Good Governance in Sub-Saharan Africa
Opportunities and Lessons
May 19, 2022
Sound institutions that guarantee integrity in the management of public affairs are critical on the path toward higher and more inclusive growth. Countries around the world that improved their governance systems, such as Botswana, Rwanda and the Seychelles in Sub Saharan Africa are reaping a “governance dividend.” Liberia, Sierra Leone, and Angola have demonstrated that reforms are possible, even in fragile environments. Countries with stronger institutions have also been able to mount more effective response to the pandemic. To discuss this issue and attempt to assess the importance of good governance and transparence in Sub Saharan Africa, the IMF published a book “Good Governance in Sub-Saharan Africa: Opportunities and Lessons” on March 18.
The virtual book launch with African policy makers, civil society, and academics explored how the region can reap the benefits of good governance, how to address corruption particularly in fragile country settings and what reforms can be implemented to improve governance, transparency, and the fight against corruption
Thursday, May 19, 2022 |
11:00 AM ET |
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