Resident Representative for Cambodia
Jochen Schmittmann
Regional Resident Representative for the IMF Resident Offices in Vietnam, Cambodia and Lao PDR
Office Information
Exchange Square, 13th floor, Unit 1301
Building No. 19 & 20, Street 106,
Sangkat Wat Phnom, Khan Daun Penh,
Phnom Penh, Kingdom of Cambodia
Tel: 855 23 268 602 and 268 603
Fax: 855 23 268 601

(Front left to right): Malai Khem Sokunthi, Pich Chenda, Phork Pholla, Jochen Schmittmann, Proeung Varith, Chhan Kong Yong, and Leng Chan Leapho
Jochen Schmittmann ,
Regional Resident Representative for the IMF Resident Offices in Vietnam, Cambodia and Lao PDR
Jochen M. Schmittmann is the Regional Resident Representative for the IMF Resident Offices in Vietnam, Cambodia and Lao PDR. Before that, he was the Deputy Head of the IMF’s Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific in Tokyo, Desk Economist on the Japan team, and Mission Chief for the Federated States of Micronesia. He previously was the IMF’s Resident Representative in Singapore, covering Singapore, Malaysia, and Asian financial markets. Before coming to Singapore, Jochen worked in the IMF’s Asia and Pacific, Western Hemisphere, Finance, and Monetary and Capital Markets departments. He also worked as part of the team managing the IMF’s investments. Jochen has published on a wide range of topics in finance and macroeconomics, including behavioral finance, climate finance, currency hedging, labor markets, and the economic impact of demographic change in Asia. Jochen holds a Ph.D. in Financial Economics from Goethe University Frankfurt.
PHORK Pholla,
PHORK Pholla, Economist, joined the Resident Representative Office in Cambodia in June 2023 as Secondee. She previously worked at the National Bank of Cambodia at the Statistics Department, in which she focused on monitoring monetary and financial sector and in charge of external sector in financial stability team. Prior to that, she worked at local audit firm, where she handled the tax declaration for small businesses and provided customer support. She holds a master’s degree in Economic from Kobe University, Japan and a bachelor’s degree in Economic Business from National University of Management, Cambodia.
PROEUNG Varith, Economist, joined the Resident Representative Office in Cambodia in August 2023 as Secondee. He previously worked at the Ministry of Economy and Finance at the Macroeconomic and Fiscal Policy Department, in which he focused on real sector, monitoring garment, transportation and communication, and real estate sector; and non-bank financial sector – pawnshop. Besides his work in the forecasting and monitoring, he involved in researching team at the Supreme National Economic Council. In researching team, he involved in various fields of digital and society economy, garment, and transportation. He holds a bachelor’s degree in economics and management from Université Lumière Lyon 2, France.
Leng Chan Leapho,
Office Manager
Leapho has joined the IMF Phnom Penh Office since January 2003. Besides administering the office, he handles operations and the budget of the office. Prior to joining the Fund, (i), he worked nine years (December, 1994 to January, 2003) as the personal assistant to the Australian Ambassador with the Australian Embassy in Phnom Penh. (ii), he worked 15 months (October, 1993 to December, 1994) as the Human Rights Assistant with the United Nations Cambodia Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights in Cambodia. (iii), he worked 15 months (August, 1992 to October 1993) as Office Assistant/Interpreter with the UNTAC (United Nations Transitional Authority in Cambodia) based in Kompong Speu Province. (iv), he worked nine years (January 1983 to July 1992) as the Dental Assistant and Head of Dental Assistants (Dental Clinic) with the International Organizations (CRS – Catholic Relief Services and COERR - Catholic Office for Emergency Relief and Refugees) at the Refugee Camps located at the Cambodian-Thai Border. He holds a Bachelor of Laws from the Royal University of Law and Economics in Phnom Penh. He has a good working knowledge of Thai.
Pich Chenda,
Chenda Joined the IMF Phnom Penh Office since March 2001. She is in charge of data collection, daily update, mission schedule. She also helps in administering the IMF training programs for the office. She holds Associate of Education from International Institute of Cambodia. Prior to joining the Fund, (i) January 1995 to January 1996 she worked as teacher volunteer. (ii) February 1996 to September 1997 she worked as Secretary at the Strategic Planning Division of the Council for the Development of Cambodia under the United States Agency for Development program in Cambodia. (iii) October 1997 to February 2001 she worked as Administrative Assistant with the MRC/Danida Inventory and Management of Cambodian Wetlands Project.
Chhan Kong Yong,
Office Driver
Yong has worked for IMF Phnom Penh Office since March 2012. Prior to joining the Fund, he worked as Cashier from 1994 – 2000. He works as private IMF driver to the IMF Advisor to the Ministry of Planning (National Institute of Statistics) from 2001 to 2008.
Malai Khem Sokunthi,
Office Aide/Cleaner
She has worked for the IMF Phnom Penh Office since June 1994. Except during the office closure from October 1997 – November 1999. She makes absolutely the best cup of tea/coffee in Phnom Penh. You are invited to come by!!!