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Financial Sector Policies

These courses, presented by the IMF Institute and Monetary and Capital Markets Department, provide a basic understanding of finance to assess benefits and costs of financial instruments, institutions, and markets in a macroeconomic context with focus on risk and mitigating policies. The courses also cover banking supervision, stress testing, financial regulation, and macro-financial risk analysis.


This online course, presented by the Institute for Capacity Development, introduces participants to the fundamentals of financial analysis that are in the toolkit of policy makers. These tools are used to study the characteristics of various financial instruments and their pricing, analyze ...


This course, presented by the Institute for Capacity Development, is designed to give participants a foundation in central bank digital currencies. This course assesses the business case for CBDC adoption from the perspective of users and central banks. Following some motivations and introductory ...


This course, presented by the Institute for Capacity Development, explains the macroeconomic relevance of financial development and inclusion. Beginning with an analysis that defines the role of finance in the economy, the course presents a framework for financial market development; identifying ...


This course, presented by the Institute for Capacity Development, begins with an overview of financial risks and how they are transmitted within and between the financial system and the real sector. Participants then examine the design and impact of financial sector policies to mitigate assessed ...


This course, presented by the Institute for Capacity Development, introduces participants to key concepts and tools used in the identification and assessment of financial sector vulnerabilities and sources of strength. The course provides a basic toolkit to assess financial sector risks and ...


This course, presented by the Institute for Capacity Development, is designed to give participants a foundation in understanding new financial technologies (fintech) and the associated policy implications. After an overview of the fintech landscape, the course will focus on several areas that are ...


This course, presented by the Institute for Capacity Development, is designed to give participants a foundation in financial instruments beyond the standard treatment of bonds and equity covered in the FMAx course. After a short review, the course covers forwards, futures, swaps, and options and ...

This course, presented by the Monetary and Capital Markets Department, provides a comprehensive overview of conceptual and operational issues related to the restructuring and resolution of weak and failing banks. Among the topics discussed during the course are:

  • identification and supervision of ...

The structured online course is jointly organized by the Monetary and Capital Markets Department of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the Financial Stability Institute (FSI) of the Bank for International Settlement, in collaboration with the International Association of Deposit Insurers. ...

The structured online course is jointly organized by the Monetary and Capital Markets Department of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the Financial Stability Institute (FSI) of the Bank for International Settlement (BIS). This course consists of live webinars as well as self-study, ...

This course, presented by the Institute for Capacity Development, is designed to give participants a foundation in central bank digital currencies. In this course, we will assess the business case for CBDC adoption from the perspective of users and central banks.  After some motivations and ...

This course, presented by the Monetary and Capital Markets Department, offers a comprehensive introduction to the key conceptual and operational aspects of bank regulation and supervision. The course covers the supervision and regulation of the key banking risks (credit, liquidity, market, and ...

This course, presented by the Monetary and Capital Markets Department, reviews the latest developments in banking supervision and regulation, including the capital adequacy standards, the liquidity measurement rules, interest rate risk in the banking book, large exposures, related party ...

This course, presented by the Monetary and Capital Markets Department and PFTAC, explains the key elements of cyber risk and cyber risk management; the components of good practice cyber risk regulations; and how to undertake an assessment of the risk on-site at supervised financial institutions. ...

This course, presented by the Monetary and Capital Markets Department, provides an introductory to intermediate level of training on cyber risk regulation and supervision to non-specialist financial sector supervisors. The course: (i) reviews recent trends in the technology adopted by supervised ...

As the reliance of the financial sector on information technology and the interconnectedness of systems continue to rise, cybersecurity has become a financial stability risk. Financial supervisors need to understand the nature of risk, learn the essential concepts of cyber risk management, and ...

This course, presented by the Monetary and Capital Markets Department, provides capacity building for debt managers on sound practices in debt management, debt reporting, and investor relations to support debt management operations and improve public debt transparency. The course uses the Revised ...

This course, presented by the Monetary and Capital Markets Department, covers an array of issues related to the development of local government bond markets. The recently revamped course is structured based on the new diagnostic on Guidance Note for Developing Government Local Currency Bond ...

This course, presented by the Monetary and Capital Markets Department, provides an in-depth exploration of e-money and mobile payments by examining their developments around the globe, pre-conditions, business model, platforms and technologies including NFC, Quick Response (QR) codes, and mobile ...

This course, presented by the IMF’s Monetary and Capital Markets Department in collaboration with the Yale Program on Financial Stability and the JVI, provides a comprehensive overview of conceptual and operational issues related to the restructuring and resolution of weak banks. Among the topics ...

This course, presented by the Institute for Capacity Development, outlines the macroeconomic relevance of financial development and financial inclusion. Beginning with an analytical framework that defines the role of finance in the economy, the course reviews the conceptual and empirical ...

This course, presented by the Monetary and Capital Markets Department, focuses on the Principles for Financial Market Infrastructures (PFMI). The course is designed to be interactive by using a combination of lectures, case study simulations, group or individual presentations, and panel ...

This course, presented by the Monetary and Capital Markets Department (MCM), discusses recent developments in stress testing for banks, insurance companies and mutual funds. The course is also adapted to regional specificities, such as the one offered for the Middle East and Northern Africa (MENA) ...

Presented by the IMF Monetary and Capital Markets Department, this advanced course addresses recent advances in stress testing for banks and some nonbank financial intermediation. It allows participants to master new tools designed or adopted by MCM for macroprudential stress testing and systemic ...

This course, presented by the Monetary and Capital Markets Department, is intended to strengthen participants capacity to manage sovereign debt risk and broaden their awareness of the costs and risks of new debt instruments when preparing a debt management strategy. Emphasis is placed on the ...

This course, presented by the Monetary and Capital Markets Department, aims at building capacity in developing and implementing a sound medium-term debt management strategy (MTDS). Officials are trained on the joint IMF-WB MTDS framework, which is useful for illustrating government cost and risk ...

This course, presented by the Monetary and Capital Markets Department, aims at building capacity in developing and implementing a sound medium-term debt management strategy (MTDS). Officials are trained on the joint IMF-WB MTDS framework, which is useful for illustrating government cost and risk ...

This course, presented by the Monetary and Capital Markets Department, explains various aspects of, and issues related to, asset classification and provisioning, both from the prudential regulatory perspective and the perspective of accounting/IFRS. It also explores the role of the supervisor in ...

This course provides an overview of the Quantitative Model for the Integrated Policy Framework (QIPF) and shows how it can be applied to address pressing policy questions. It first discusses the model's theoretical underpinnings and relates them to key principles of current Fund advice, focusing ...

This course, presented by the Monetary and Capital Markets Department, aims to build capacity on key quantitative concepts in fixed income for debt managers, and for undertaking debt management operations. It is designed to enable participants to improve their analysis of potential financing ...

This course, presented by the Monetary and Capital Markets Department, covers the fundamentals and goals of risk-based supervision (RBS), its challenges, and factors central to its success. Through a mix of lectures and practical applications, the course covers the main RBS components and steps ...

This course, presented by the Monetary and Capital Markets Department, examines selected issues in the evolving financial regulatory framework and takes a critical look at the evolving framework for banks. Topics include Basel III capital requirements, including the countercyclical capital buffer ...

This course, presented by the Monetary and Capital Markets Department, is designed to be interactive by using a combination of lectures, case studies, and discussions. The course focuses on the regulation and supervision of technology enabled innovation in financial services (fintech), key global ...

This course, presented by the IMF Monetary and Capital Markets Department, is intended to broaden participants’ understanding of the main policy and operational issues in sovereign risk management, techniques used for active debt operations and debt market development, and sustained capital market ...

This course, presented by the Monetary and Capital Markets Department, provides a comprehensive overview of the theories, tools, and techniques necessary for thorough financial stability analysis. Topics include:

  • Systemic risk assessment using a variety of models: their pros and cons, and how they ...

This course, presented by the Monetary and Capital Markets Department, focuses on the decision-making framework and project management processes for CBDC. The course is designed to be interactive by using a combination of lectures, case studies/simulations, group or individual presentations, and ...

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