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Fiscal Policy

International Survey on Revenue Administration (ISORA)

Deadline passed

Session No.: SA 23.29

Location: New Delhi, India

Date: August 21-25, 2023 (1 week)

Delivery Method: In-person Training

Primary Language: English

    Target Audience

    While the course is primarily intended for managers and staff who complete the ISORA in tax administrations, it will benefit managers and senior staff engaged in data analysis for fulfilling planning, research or statistical roles.

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    No formal qualifications are necessary, but ideally participants should have experience in a revenue authority, and in the collection, analysis, or use of revenue administration data.

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    Nomination by the tax administration of a SARTTAC member country.

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    Course Description

    The International Survey on Revenue Administration (ISORA) collects data on tax administration from administrations around the world using questions and definitions agreed by five international organizations: the International Monetary Fund (IMF), the Asian Development Bank (ADB), the Inter-American Center of Tax Administration (CIAT), the Intra-European Organization of Tax Administrations (IOTA), and the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD).

    The objectives of ISORA include:
    Strengthening tax administrations' focus on data management, performance measurement and reporting;
    Providing a set of comparable and standardized tax administration data to enable:
    - meaningful benchmarking by tax administrations; and
    - analysis that leads to improved capacity development advice; and
    Assisting senior revenue administration executives in managing and evaluating their administrations' performance.

    ISORA 2023 will be a more comprehensive survey than the surveys run over the past four years, covering more aspects of tax administrations institutional arrangements and practices in areas such as compliance risk management and taxpayer services. For this reason, the completion of this survey by each tax administration will be especially valuable, for providing benchmarks that can be used by tax administrations around the work. The workshop is targeted at tax administrations' teams responsible for completing the ISORA, and seeks to improve understanding of the survey and survey questions, together with practical information on how ISORA data can be accessed and used by the administration. The workshop will comprise presentations by IMF experts, hands-on working sessions, and peer-to-peer learning.

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    Course Objectives

    The objective of the course is to:

    • increase participants' understanding of how ISORA data can be used;
    • to prepare participants to complete ISORA 2023 leading to an improvement in ISORA 2023 data quality;
    • to strengthen tax administrations' data management and reporting; and
    • improve the use of comparable and standardized ISORA datasets for planning and performance management.
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