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Macroeconomic Diagnostics

Macroeconomics Module by SARTTAC the for Phase I Training of IAS Officers at the LBSNAA (MDS)


Session No.: SA 22.22

Location: New Delhi, India

Date: April 25-29, 2022 (1 week)

Delivery Method: In-person Training

Primary Language: English

    Target Audience

    Officer trainees comprising the incoming cohort of Indian Administrative Service officers.

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    Successful candidates selected through the competitive Union Public Services Commission examination and assigned to the Indian Administrative Service.

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    Participants should have attended the macroeconomics module offered at the Foundation Course for officer trainees comprising the entry cohort into the Indian civil service.

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    Course Description

    This course, presented by the IMF Institute for Capacity Development, is designed to strengthen participants' ability to assess a country's macroeconomic situation, including the current state of the economy; the stance of fiscal and monetary policy; financial stability; exchange rate misalignments; vulnerabilities in the different sectors; and the medium-term outlook, especially the sustainability of public and external debt. The course relies on a case study of India to illustrate India's current macroeconomic challenges and to demonstrate practical tools for use in day-to-day macroeconomic analysis and policymaking.

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    Course Objectives

    Upon completion of this workshop, participants should be able to:

    • Analyze potential output and calculate output gaps, and diagnose the outlook for the economy.
    • Assess the stance of current fiscal, monetary and exchange rate, and financial policies.
    • Assess macro-financial linkages, including through the analysis of financial sector soundness indicators.
    • Assess the medium-term prospects of the economy, especially the sustainability of public and external debt, and identify impediments to long-term growth.
    • Identify possible external and internal economic risks and vulnerabilities to economic growth and identify policies to address them.
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