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Macroeconomic Statistics

Virtual : National Accounts Statistics (NAS)


Session No.: SA 21.44V

Location: New Delhi, India

Date: October 25-29, 2021 (1 week)

Delivery Method: Virtual Training

Primary Language: English

    Target Audience

    The workshop is intended for government officials who are integrally involved in the compilation of national accounts statistics, or, would benefit from the knowledge of the concepts, principles, sources, and methods used to compile National Accounts Statistics. As this training is broad-based, it is applicable for relatively new officials in the area of National Accounts, or users within Central Banks, Finance and Economic Planning.

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    Participants are expected to possess a degree in accounting, the social sciences, or a related field and/or have relevant work experience, and have proficiency in Microsoft EXCEL and WORD.

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    Course Description

    This half-day one-week virtual course will be presented by the International Monetary Fund's Statistics Department. The course will be based on the System of National Accounts 2008 Manual (2008 SNA). The course will cover the following topics: national accounts concepts, methods, and framework; estimating Gross Domestic Product using the expenditure and production approach; interpretation of National Accounts Statistics; and price and volume measures. The course will feature interactive lectures and hands-on exercises that enable participants to operationalize what they learn. The main lectures and workshops include:
    (i) Overview of the System of National Accounts,
    (ii) Production accounts: measurement of output; intermediate consumption, and value added (gross domestic product (GDP),
    (iii) Gross Domestic Product by Expenditure,
    (iv) The sequence of accounts from the production account to balance sheets and
    (v) Preparation of GDP volume measures: double deflation; and volume extrapolation;

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    Course Objectives

    Upon completion of this workshop, participants should be able to:

    1. Describe fundamental aspects of a national accounts statistical system that is highly aligned with the international standard.
    2. Demonstrate an understanding of the three approaches to estimating gross domestic product (GDP): production, expenditure and income.
    3. Compile and interpret GDP volume measures using double deflation, volume extrapolation and single extrapolation.
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    Apply Now - Application deadline approaching:

    IMF offers online training to government officials and the public. Click Learn more to find our current offerings.

    National Accounts Statistics-Advanced (NAS-A)

    English | March 17-28, 2025 | In-person Training | Singapore, Singapore

    Apply online by December 31, 2024