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Financial Sector Policies

Virtual Course on Monetary Operations- Part 2. Liquidity Monitoring and Forecasting


Session No.: SA 21.46V

Location: New Delhi, India

Date: October 26-29, 2021 (1 week)

Delivery Method: Virtual Training

Primary Language: English

    Target Audience

    Central bank officials from CDOT and SARTTAC member countries interested in understanding and applying day-to-day implementation of monetary policy.

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    Participants are expected to work in either a monetary policy and/or a monetary operations department.

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    Course Description

    The course consists of three segments: i) interest rate corridor (August 2021); ii) central bank daily liquidity management (October 2021); and iii) collateral framework for central bank liquidity-providing operations (January 2022). These three topics are of interest to officials from central banks in the region, independent of their current monetary policy regime. The course will be delivered remotely. Each segment will be announced separately with a separate registration procedure. The second segment of course is on domestic liquidity monitoring and forecasting. This segment will consist of four sessions held over four days. It will bring together in a virtual format country officials and IMF experts to discuss the role and practices of liquidity monitoring and forecasting for the conduct of daily monetary policy implementation. On the first two days IMF experts will deliver presentations on the core topics. This will be followed on day three by case studies focusing on the individual country experiences. Day four will consist of a panel discussion and office hours devoted to further discussion.

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    Course Objectives

    Improve the practice of domestic liquidity monitoring and forecasting. Facilitate exchange of experiences with central banks from the region.

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    Apply Now - Application deadline approaching:

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