Publications on: Banking Crises Other Titles in the Occasional Paper Series | |
By a Staff Team Led by David S. Hoelscher and Marc Quintyn ©2003 International Monetary Fund August 28, 2003
I. Overview This paper draws lessons on the general principles, strategies and techniques for the effective management of systemic banking crises.1 Lessons outlined in this paper derive from the accumulated experiences of IMF staff. Principles and practices of crisis management derived from earlier crises have already been discussed by the IMF Executive Board and subsequently published.2 Recent financial sector crises and their resolution have raised new issues and provided additional experiences. Specifically, banking crises in Argentina, Ecuador, Russia, Turkey, and Uruguay have occurred within the context of highly dollarized economies, high levels of sovereign debt, and/or severely limited fiscal resources. These factors have introduced new challenges as the effectiveness of many of the typical tools for bank resolution has been affected. Banks' unique features—their key role in intermediation and growth, price stability, and the payment system—makes the management of banking problems markedly different from the management of other corporate failures. This paper focuses, however, on issues raised in systemic crises and not on the resolution of individual bank problems. Resolution of individual bank problems in normal times is the subject of a recent report by the Working Group of the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision.3 This paper draws on the conclusions of that report and should be seen as a complement to it. In the same vein, in-depth discussions of legal issues are being addressed by a joint IMF/World Bank project.4 Managing a systemic banking crisis is a complex, multiyear process.
Whereas defusing an initial li- The key to successful banking crisis management is coordination of the banking strategy with the overall policy framework. Management of such crises often requires adjustments in most aspects of economic policy implementation. While this paper concentrates on the specifics of bank restructuring, policymakers need to be aware of the broader policy context within which bank restructuring must take place. Banking resolution has to take place in a supportive macroeconomic environment. Over the full cycle of a crisis, this often requires the authorities to deal with various combinations of monetary and exchange policies (including the possible introduction of capital controls), and fiscal and debt management policies. Macroeconomic constraints must be consistent with the framework for addressing banking sector problems. Banking crises are often costly to society. The costs of banking crises can be minimized if appropriate policies are followed. The banking strategy must be rapidly designed and efficiently implemented. A delay in addressing the emerging crisis increases the costs and prolongs the crisis. Modifications in the legal framework may become necessary if bank shareholders and creditors have excessive powers that allow them to pass eventual costs to the government. The process of bank diagnosis must be quickly implemented. The banking strategy, together with the policies concerning depositor protection, should be designed to avoid the presumption that banks cannot fail. Rather, the strategy should aim for an efficient banking system that is viable over the medium term. In an effort to limit the public costs of a crisis, private funds should be the first source for bank recapitalization. To that end, it may be helpful to maximize private sector participation in bank restructuring. This latter effort may involve reducing legal impediments to foreign investment in the banking system. The provision of public resources, in turn, should be subject to clear and transparent rules. Moreover, the policy on the provision of public resources should be made within the context of the medium-term sustainability of the public sector finances. Finally, the eventual costs of a banking crisis will be eased by the adoption of appropriate techniques to maximize asset recovery and reprivatization of intervened banks (see Box 1 for bank resolution terminology). A full crisis-management cycle represents a sequence of interdependent events. To present and discuss such a sequence poses a challenge, yet can look deceptively orderly. It is important to keep in mind that no presentation represents a one-size-fits-all model for dealing with systemic banking crises. There are common threads and similarities among countries but, in the end, all countries have to deal with their own special economic, legal, institutional, and political conditions. The intention here is modest—to present and discuss tools that are available and how they can be used. The structure of the paper is as follows: Section II provides a brief discussion of causes of a systemic banking crisis, its costs, and the crisis management strategy. Section III describes the initial crisis containment stage. Section IV deals with the second component, bank restructuring, while Section V covers the third component, management of nonperforming loans and corporate debt restructuring. Section VI discusses linkages between bank restructuring and macroeconomic policies. Appendix I discusses the methodology for measuring fiscal costs associated with major systemic crises. Finally, Appendix II provides case studies of key systemic banking crises that have emerged since the early 1990s. 1There is some debate about the definition of a systemic crisis. Systemic crisis is generally considered one in which the stability of the banking system and, as a consequence, the payments system and real sector, are threatened. 2Lindgren, Garcia, and Saal (1996); IMF (1997); and Lindgren and others (1999). See also Bank for International Settlements (1999) and Dziobek and Pazarbas,ig(breve)lu (1997). 3Basel Committee on Banking Supervision (2002). 4A joint IMF/World Bank project is developing guidelines for the legal and institutional aspects of dealing with bank insolvencies (forthcoming IMF/WB paper). On this topic, see also Asser (2001). |