Annex |
1.1 |
Regional Projections |
Boxes |
Scen.1 |
The Estimated Impact of Lower Oil Prices |
Scen.2 |
Responding to Secular Stagnation Forces |
1.1 |
Dissecting the Global Trade Slowdown |
1.2 |
Macroeconomic Developments and Outlook in Low-Income Developing Countries: The Role of External Factors |
Figures |
Chart |
Data |
1.1 |
Global Activity Indicators |
Chart |
Data |
1.2 |
Global Inflation |
Chart |
Data |
1.3 |
Commodity and Oil Markets |
Chart |
Data |
1.4 |
Real Effective Exchange Rate Changes, August 2015–February 2016 |
Chart |
Data |
1.5 |
Emerging Market Economies: Capital Flows |
Chart |
Data |
1.6 |
Advanced Economies: Monetary and Financial Market Conditions |
Chart |
Data |
1.7 |
Advanced Economies: Credit, House Prices, and Balance Sheets |
Chart |
Data |
1.8 |
Emerging Market Economies: Interest Rates |
Chart |
Data |
1.9 |
Emerging Market Economies: Equity Markets and Credit |
Chart |
Data |
1.10 |
China’s Share of Value-Added Exports and Change in Export Volume Growth |
Chart |
Data |
1.11 |
Terms-of-Trade Windfall Gains and Losses, Domestic Demand, Imports, and Output |
Chart |
Data |
1.12 |
Energy and Mining Investment |
Chart |
Data |
1.13 |
Global Investment and Trade Slowdown |
Chart |
Data |
1.14 |
Fiscal Policies |
Chart |
Data |
1.15 |
External Sector |
Chart |
Data |
1.16 |
Creditors versus Debtors |
Chart |
Data |
1.17 |
Risks to the Global Outlook |
Chart |
Data |
1.18 |
Recession and Deflation Risks |
Chart |
Data |
1.1.1 |
Trade and Output Growth |
Chart |
Data |
1.1.2 |
Import Elasticity |
Chart |
Data |
1.1.3 |
Import Volume Index by End Use |
Chart |
Data |
1.1.4 |
Capital Goods Import Volume Index |
Chart |
Data |
1.2.1 |
Low-Income Developing Countries: Real GDP Growth |
Chart |
Data |
1.2.2 |
Low-Income Developing Countries: Purchasing-Power-Parity GDP Shares |
Chart |
Data |
1.2.3 |
Terms-of-Trade Windfall Gains and Losses |
Chart |
Data |
1.2.4 |
Trading Partners’ GDP Growth Changes |
Chart |
Data |
1.2.5 |
Sovereign Bond Spreads in Low-Income Developing Countries |
Chart |
Data |
1.2.6 |
Simulated Effects of Lower Oil Prices on Growth and Public Debt in Low-Income Developing Countries |
Chart |
Data |
Scen. Fig. 1 |
Decomposition of the Change in Oil Prices: 2014 World Economic Outlook versus April 2016 World Economic Outlook |
Chart |
Data |
Scen. Fig. 2 |
Oil Scenario |
Chart |
Data |
Scen. Fig. 3 |
Secular Stagnation and Reform |
Chart |
Data |
1.SF.1 |
Commodity Market Developments |
Chart |
Data |
1.SF.2 |
World Energy Intensity |
Chart |
Data |
1.SF.3 |
Car Ownership and GDP per Capita, 2013 |
Chart |
Data |
1.SF.4 |
World Energy Consumption Share by Fuel Type |
Chart |
Data |
1.SF.5 |
Carbon Emissions for Various Fuels |
Chart |
Data |
1.SF.6 |
Electricity Generation |
Chart |
Data |
1.SF.7 |
Cost of Renewables and Research and Development Efforts |
Chart |
Data |
1.SF.8 |
U.S. Sales of Electric Vehicles and Gasoline Price |
Chart |
Data |
1.SF.9 |
Duck Curve: Illustrative Change in Projections of Net Load Curve |
Chart |
Data |
1.SF.10 |
World Patents |
Chart |
1.SF.11 |
Direct Normal Irradiation |
Tables |
1.1 |
Overview of the World Economic Outlook Projections |
1.SF.1 |
World Energy Usage, 2013 |
1.SF.2 |
Summary of Severe Accidents in the Energy Sector, 1970–2008 |
1.SF.3 |
Global Share of Greenhouse Gas Emissions by Country |
1.SF.4 |
Greenhouse Gas Emissions Target Reductions, Paris Agreement, December 2015 |
Annex 1.1.1 |
European Economies: Real GDP, Consumer Prices, Current Account
Balance, and Unemployment |
Annex 1.1.2 |
Asian and Pacific Economies: Real GDP, Consumer Prices, Current
Account Balance, and Unemployment |
Annex 1.1.3 |
Western Hemisphere Economies: Real GDP, Consumer Prices, Current
Account Balance, and Unemployment |
Annex 1.1.4 |
Commonwealth of Independent States Economies: Real GDP, Consumer
Prices, Current Account Balance, and Unemployment |
Annex 1.1.5 |
Middle East and North African Economies, Afghanistan, and Pakistan:
Real GDP, Consumer Prices, Current Account Balance, and Unemployment |
Annex 1.1.6 |
Sub-Saharan African Economies: Real GDP, Consumer Prices,
Current Account Balance, and Unemployment |