The IMF and the Private Sector—A Factsheet
Investor Relations Programs:
Report of the Capital Markets Consultative Group (CMCG) Working Group
on Creditor-Debtor Relations
June 15, 2001


the Private Sector in the Resolution of Financial Crises—
Restructuring International Sovereign Bonds
Prepared by the Policy Development
and Review
and Legal Departments, International
Monetary Fund
January 11, 2001
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Summing Up by the Acting Chairman, Executive Board Meeting,
01/8, January 24, 2001
- Introduction
- Recent Experience with Restructuring
International Sovereign Bonds
- Could the Process Used to Restructure
International Sovereign Bonds Have
Adverse Spillover Effects on Private
Capital Flows to Emerging Markets?
- A Private-Sector Proposal for Bond Restructuring
Impact on Debtors
Impact on Creditors
Implications for Other Emerging Market Sovereigns
Implications of the Principles for the Official Sector
- Concluding Observations
2.1 Factors Affecting Bond Restructuring
2.2 Bond Restructuring by Pakistan
2.3 Bond Restructuring by Ukraine
2.4 Bond Restructuring by Ecuador
2.5 Exit Consents in Sovereign Bond Exchange
2.6 Elliott Associates vs. The Republic of Peru
2.7 Principles for Sovereign Bond Restructurings
Appendix I
Recent Sovereign Bond Restructuring