Text Annex |
5.1 |
Statistical Treatment of Financial Derivatives |
Text Tables |
5.1 |
Stocks and Flows for a Financial Asset or Liability Category |
7.1 |
Sectoral Balance Sheet for a Financial Corporations Subsector |
7.2 |
Central Bank Survey |
7.3 |
Other Depository Corporations Survey |
7.4 |
Other Financial Corporations Survey |
7.5 |
Depository Corporations Survey |
7.6 |
Financial Corporations Survey |
8.1 |
Components of the SNA Balance Sheets |
8.2 |
Major Components of the SNA Capital Account |
8.3 |
Components of the SNA Financial Account |
8.4 |
Major Components of the SNA Revaluation Account |
8.5 |
Major Components of the SNA Other Changes in Volume of Assets Account
8.6 |
Integrated Capital and Financial Account |
8.7 |
Basic Flow of Funds Account I |
8.8 |
Basic Flow of Funds Account II |
8.9 |
Detailed Flow of Funds Matrices |
Text Boxes |
3.1 |
Main Sectors and Subsectors |
6.1 |
Broad Money and its Holders and Issuers: Representative Sectors and Liabilities
6.2 |
The Monetary Base: Representative Components |
6.3 |
Liquidity Aggregates: Representative Sectors and Liabilities |
7.1 |
Examples for Further Disaggregation of Sectoral Balance Sheets |
7.2 |
Examples of Supplementary Data |
8.1 |
Outline of the Accounts of the SNA and Their Interrelationships |
8.2 |
Relationships Between Main SNA Aggregates for the Total Economy |
8.3 |
Domestic Economy-ROW and Saving-Capital Formation Relationships
8.4 |
The Balance Sheets and Accumulation Accounts |
507k pdf file
The Treatment of Accounts with the IMF
524k pdf file
Islamic Banking
198k pdf file
Illustrative Sectoral Balance Sheets for Financial Corporations