International Monetary Fund

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Where Do We Go From Here?


Letter from the Editor

In Brief

Increasing global liquidity; Hunger at historic high; Gadgets and gigawatts; IMF blog

People in Economics

Questioning a Chastened Priesthood

Jeremy Clift
Daniel Kahneman is a psychologist, but he won a Nobel Prize in economics for his insights into how individuals and firms make economic choices.

Picture This

The Three-Hundred-Year Low

André Meier and Simon Willson
The current global recession has led the U.K. central bank to lower its base rate to virtually zero—the lowest rate since 1694.

Back to Basics

What Is Monetary Policy?

Koshy Mathai
How central banks manipulate the supply of money in the economy to stabilize inflation and, in most cases, economic growth as well.

Book Reviews

Dead Aid: Why Aid Is Not Working and How There Is a Better Way for Africa, Dambisa Moyo

Successes of the International Monetary Fund: Untold Stories of Cooperation at Work, Eduard Brau and Ian McDonald, editors

Money, Finance and Political Economy: Getting It Right, Deena Khatkhate

Data Spotlight

Flows to Eastern Europe

Foreign banks have supported eastern European banks, but the financial crisis has reversed this trend.

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