International Monetary Fund

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Crisis Shakes Europe

F&D on the Global Crisis

See coverage of the financial crisis, including:


Letter from the Editor

In Brief

Private schooling; IMF helps protect most vulnerable; Do the math; IMF overhauls lending practices; At the beach; Bridges to growth

People in Economics

Still the Bottom Billion

Glenn Gottselig
In an interview, Oxford economist Paul Collier talks about how to help low-income countries during the current crisis.

Picture This

Uncharted Territory

Koshy Mathai and Simon Willson
There is little doubt that the U.S. Federal Reserve's dramatic expansion of the monetary base has been justified given the sharp economic downturn and the risk of deflation. But the exit strategy could be difficult.

Back to Basics

What Is Fiscal Policy?

Mark Horton and Asmaa El-Ganainy
Fiscal policy is the use of government spending and taxation to influence the economy. Governments typically use fiscal policy to promote strong and sustainable growth and reduce poverty.

Straight Talk

Start This Engine

Donald Kaberuka
African policymakers can prepare to take advantage of a global economic recovery by hooking up more of their domestic economies to the most reliable and potent short-term engine of growth at their disposal: the private sector.

Data Spotlight

Roller Coaster

Thomas Helbling, Nese Erbil, and Marina Rousset
The latest sharp rise and fall in commodity prices is not the first nor the last. Historically, prices of commodities have been volatile and subject to large swings.

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Preview of next issue!

The recovery from the deepest recession in 60 years has started. But sustaining it will require delicate rebalancing acts, both within and across countries, writes IMF Chief Economist Olivier Blanchard in the upcoming edition of the IMF's F&D magazine.

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