International Monetary Fund

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The World in Crisis

More on the Global Crisis

See more coverage of the financial crisis, including:


Letter from the Editor

In Brief

IMF seeks to double resources; Vulnerability Fund; New publication series

People in Economics

Seeing Crises Clearly

Prakash Loungani
Profile of economist Nouriel Roubini, best known for predicting the current global economic crisis.

IMF Research

The Domestic Solution

Leslie Lipschitz, Céline Rochon, and Geneviève Verdier
China is achieving comparatively strong growth even during the current global economic crisis, but a massive drop in employment is prompting a profound reconsideration of policy options.

Small Steps

Mark Stone and Seiichi Shimizu
Financial markets in smaller economies have the potential to provide important benefits. But market development policies should be realistic and tailored to the unique circumstances of smaller economies.

Back to Basics

What Is a Recession?

Stijn Claessens and M. Ayhan Kose
The ongoing global financial crisis has been accompanied by recessions in many countries. What exactly is a recession and why do they happen?

Book Reviews

India: The Emerging Giant, Arvind Panagariya

When Markets Collide: Investment Strategies for the Age of Global Economic Change, Mohamed El-Erian

Data Spotlight

Latin America's Debt

Like other regions, Latin America faces many challenges, but in an environment of global financial strains, having reduced external debt ratios is one factor enhancing the region's resilience to the current crisis.

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F&D Web-Only Content

When Governments Intervene
An article written for the online edition of F&D explains how the IMF is monitoring the scale of announced government financial rescues by country. For a broader review of the IMF's statistical initiatives and efforts to fill data gaps, see "Data to the Rescue" in the March 2009 edition of F&D.

Write to us

F&D welcomes comments and brief letters, a selection of which are posted under Letters to the Editor. Letters may be edited. Please send your letters to

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