SDR Rates for January 2
SDR Interest Rate = 3.159%| 1 USD = SDR 0.769299MORE
The IMF Annual Report is a report of the IMF's Executive Board to the IMF's Board of Governors provided ahead of the Joint Annual Meetings of the Boards of Governors of the IMF and the World Bank. The report reviews the IMF's activities and policies during the preceding financial year, ended April 30, and includes an audited statement of the IMF's accounts, as required by the IMF's Articles of Agreement.
Financial Statements and Other Annual Report Materials
Read a foreword by Managing Director Christine Lagarde on the IMF’s work since the global crisis broke and during the year, as the IMF marked its 70th anniversary.
For more information on IMF history, watch the following videos:
This section summarizes the contents of the Annual Report by chapter, from the state of the global economy during the year to the IMF’s work to support its 188 member countries through economic and financial assessments, policy advice, financial support, and capacity development, and the institution’s resources and accountability.
For more information on the IMF, watch these videos:
Reviews the main findings of the IMF’s flagship publications—the World Economic Outlook, Global Financial Stability Report, and Fiscal Monitor—and its four main recommendations for the membership to achieve global financial stability.
For more information on the IMF’s flagships, watch these videos:
Read about the IMF’s economic assessments of its member countries, new IMF reports on the impact of large economies on other countries, and financial assessments; the Fund’s policy advice for various groups of countries; where it gets its money; and the loans granted during the year.
For more information on the IMF’s flagships, watch these videos:
For more information on the IMF’s lending and its support for Arab countries, watch these videos:
Read about the IMF’s main policy papers the Executive Board discussed during the year, the IMF’s analysis of the economic and financial policies of its member countries individually and globally, and IMF lending and capacity development during the year, as well as where the IMF’s money comes from.
For more information on the IMF’s policy advices and capacity development, watch these videos:
Describes how the IMF makes sure it has the resources to meet members’ financing needs, its budget and income, oversight systems, human resources, transparency policy, and outreach activities.
For more information on the IMF’s financial management, watch these videos: