Econometric Analysis of Discrete Reforms

Author/Editor: Kireyev, Alexei
Publication Date: October 01, 2001
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Disclaimer: This Working Paper should not be reported as representing the views of the IMF. The views expressed in this Working Paper are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily represent those of the IMF or IMF policy. Working Papers describe research in progress by the author(s) and are published to elicit comments and to further debate
Summary: The paper suggests an econometric methodology for testing the effectiveness of reforms implemented in one major step, i.e., discrete reforms. The methodology is based on the exogeneity properties of variables in an econometric model. The paper specifies the preconditions for setting up an appropriate model; suggests an economic interpretation of the tests for weak, strong, and superexogeneity; and illustrates this methodology by applying it to two cases of instantaneous reforms. The exogeneity properties of variables in a correctly specified econometric model may help uncover information on the preparation, implementation, and the outcome of such reforms, which could be useful for future policy advice.
Series: Working Paper No. 01/156
Subject(s): Economic reform | Data analysis

Author's Keyword(s): exogeneity | testing reforms | econometric policy analysis
Publication Date: October 01, 2001
ISBN/ISSN: 1934-7073 Format: Paper
Stock No: WPIEA1562001 Pages: 38
Price Delivery Note: Prepayment required for individual copies. An annual subscription is $375.00 a year. It includes 12 monthly shipments and priority mail delivery. The Stock No. for the subscription is WPEA.
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