IMF Staff Country Reports

Republic of Mozambique: Poverty Reduction and Growth Strategy

July 22, 2024

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International Monetary Fund. African Dept. "Republic of Mozambique: Poverty Reduction and Growth Strategy", IMF Staff Country Reports 2024, 238 (2024), accessed September 26, 2024,

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This paper presents a report on Poverty Reduction and Growth Strategy in the Republic of Mozambique. The vision and mission of the National Development Strategy 2025–2044 have been revised to reflect the collective aspiration and values that guide national development. While the vision remains centered on building a middle-income society where equity, security and well-being of the population are guaranteed, sustainability and competitiveness are a priority, the mission has been refined to promote human, economic and environmental development through integrated and results-oriented policies and actions. The revision of the National Development Strategy is a shared commitment to the country's future. By implementing this revised Strategy, Mozambique strengthens its capacity to face the challenges of the present and build a prosperous and sustainable future for all its citizens. Commitment is working together, with determination and vision, to achieve the objectives and fulfil the shared vision of progress and prosperity for all.

Subject: Education, Health, Infrastructure, National accounts, Population and demographics

Keywords: Administration system, Global, Government of the Republic of Mozambique, Infrastructure, Mozambique government, State budget, State secretariat, World governance indicator

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