South Africa : 2016 Article IV Consultation-Press Release; Staff Report; and Statement by the Executive Director for South Africa

Publication Date: July 07, 2016
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Summary: South Africa has made considerable economic and social strides since 1994, but faces significant challenges. Deep-rooted structural problems—infrastructure bottlenecks, skill mismatches, and harmful insider-outsider dynamics—have kept unemployment and inequality unacceptably high. Also, a confluence of external and domestic shocks, combined with heightened governance concerns and policy uncertainty, have weighed on confidence and growth. Though private balance sheets are still strong, vulnerabilities are elevated.
Series: Country Report No. 16/217
Subject(s): Article IV consultation reports | Economic growth | Unemployment | Fiscal policy | Fiscal reforms | Public enterprises | Monetary policy | Financial sector | Banks | Economic indicators | Debt sustainability analysis | Staff Reports | Press releases | South Africa

Publication Date: July 07, 2016
ISBN/ISSN: 9781475568608/1934-7685 Format: Paper
Stock No: 1ZAFEA2016001 Pages: 93
US$18.00 (Academic Rate:
US$18.00 )
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