Italy: Detailed Assessment Report on Anti-Money Laundering and Combating the Financing of Terrorism

Publication Date: February 10, 2016
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Summary: Italy has a mature and sophisticated AML/CFT regime, with a correspondingly well-developed legal and institutional framework. It is nonetheless confronted with a significant risk of money laundering (ML) stemming principally from tax crimes and activities most often associated with organized crime, such as corruption, drug trafficking, and loan sharking. All the main authorities have a good understanding of the ML and terrorist financing (TF) risks, and generally good policy cooperation and coordination. Italy is now developing a nationally coordinated AML/CFT strategy informed by its 2014 national risk assessment (NRA). Law enforcement agencies (LEAs) access, use, and develop good quality financial intelligence. The authorities are able to successfully undertake large and complex financial investigations and prosecutions, and have confiscated very large amounts of proceeds of crime.
Series: Country Report No. 16/43
Subject(s): Anti-money laundering | Combating the financing of terrorism | Financial institutions | Banking sector | Private sector | Freeze on financial assets | International cooperation | Reports on the Observance of Standards and Codes | Italy

Publication Date: February 10, 2016
ISBN/ISSN: 9781475539370/1934-7685 Format: Paper
Stock No: 1ITAEA2016001 Pages: 257
US$18.00 (Academic Rate:
US$18.00 )
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