Republic of Kosovo : Request for Stand-By Arrangement: Staff Report; Press Release on the Executive Board Discussion.

Publication Date: May 09, 2012
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Summary: This staff report discusses the Republic of Kosovo’s request for a Stand-By Arrangement. Kosovo is in the final stages of transition to full self-governance in economic and financial affairs. Kosovo’s economy has remained largely shielded from turbulence in the euro area, owing to limited integration into cross-border financial markets and a small export base. Real GDP growth in 2011 is estimated at 5 percent, driven principally by domestic demand, in particular investment. Inflation has been moderated to 3.5 percent, after a spike to double-digit figures in early 2011 triggered by higher prices for imported foodstuffs.
Series: Country Report No. 12/100
Subject(s): Debt sustainability analysis | Economic indicators | Financial management | Financial sector | Fiscal reforms | Kosovo | Labor markets | Staff Reports | Staff-monitored programs | Stand-by arrangement requests

Publication Date: May 09, 2012
ISBN/ISSN: 9781475503371/1934-7685 Format: Paper
Stock No: 1UVKEA2012001 Pages: 70
US$18.00 (Academic Rate:
US$18.00 )
Publication Date: May 09, 2012
Format: ¬
Stock No: 1UVKEA2112001 Pages: 69
US$18.00 (Academic Rate:
US$18.00 )
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