Macroeconomic Vulnerabilities Stemming from the Global Economic Crisis: The Case of Swaziland

Author/Editor: Basdevant, Olivier ; Baba, Chikako ; Mircheva, Borislava
Publication Date: December 23, 2011
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Summary: Swaziland has faced a significant fiscal crisis since 2010, in the wake of loss of transfers from the Southern African Customs Union (SACU). The fiscal crisis has led to increasing vulnerabilities, not only of public finances but also on commercial banks and the private sector. This paper provides an analysis of Swaziland's main macroeconomic vulnerabilities and the main policy implications of the analysis.
Series: African Departmental Paper No. 11/07
Subject(s): Bank supervision | Central banks | Debt sustainability analysis | Exchange rate assessments | External debt | Financial crisis | Financial sector | Public debt | Reserves adequacy | Swaziland

Author's Keyword(s): Swaziland | Southern African Customs Union | public debt | debt sustainability | real effective exchange rate
Publication Date: December 23, 2011
ISBN/ISSN: 978-1-61635-245-5 Format: A web quality merged PDF
Stock No: MVSGEET Pages: 36
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