Burundi: Sixth Review Under the Three-Year Arrangement Under the Extended Credit Facility and Requests for Extension of the Arrangement and Augmentation of Access - Staff Report; Press Release on the Executive Board Discussion; and Statement by the Executive Director for Burundi.

Publication Date: September 07, 2011
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Summary: In recent years, the IMF has released a growing number of reports and other documents covering economic and financial developments and trends in member countries. Each report, prepared by a staff team after discussions with government officials, is published at the option of the member country.
Series: Country Report No. 11/199
Subject(s): Debt sustainability | Economic indicators | Extended arrangement requests | Extended Credit Facility | Fiscal reforms | Staff Reports

Notes Also available in French
Publication Date: September 07, 2011
ISBN/ISSN: 9781463902940 Format: Paper
Stock No: 1BDIFA2011003 Pages: 36
US$36.00 (Academic Rate:
US$36.00 )
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