Financial Integration in the Nordic-Baltic Region: Challenges for Financial Policies

Author/Editor: Tieman, Alexander F. ; Khamis, May Y. ; Haas, François ; Schoenmaker, Dirk
Publication Date: October 26, 2007
Electronic Access: Free Full text (PDF file size is 1,879KB).
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Summary: This seminar aimed to provide an opportunity for Executive Directors and staff to discuss a staff policy paper on "Financial Integration in the Nordic-Baltic Region", and benefit from the views of external observers. The seminar was chaired by Deputy Managing Director Takatoshi Kato, and panelists included Professor Clas Wihlborg, from the Copenhagen Business School, Onno de Beaufort Wijnholds, ECB Representative to the IMF, and Jaime Caruana, Director of the IMF's Monetary and Capital Markets Departments. The paper summarizes the main findings of the Nordic-Baltic Regional Financial Sector Project, which took place over 2006-2007. It takes stock of financial sector developments, focusing on the integration of the financial services industry in the region. Furthermore, the paper highlights gaps in the policy frameworks dealing with financial integration, discusses the authorities' responses to the challenges presented by these gaps, and presents several policy options going forward.
Subject(s): Baltics | Financial integration | Denmark | Estonia | Finland | Iceland | Latvia | Lithuania | Norway | Sweden

Author's Keyword(s): Financial Policies | Regional Surveillance | International Cooperation | Supervision | Crisis Management | Safety Nets | Deposit Insurance | Capital market Integration
Publication Date: October 26, 2007
Format: Web
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