Bangladesh: 2005 Article IV Consultation, Third Review Under the Poverty Reduction and Growth Facility, and Request for Waiver of Performance Criterion, Extension of the Arrangement, and Rephasing - Staff Report; Staff Supplement; Public Information Notice; and Press Release on the Executive Board Discussion.

Publication Date: July 22, 2005
Electronic Access: Free Full text (PDF file size is 1,001KB).
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Series: Country Report No. 05/241
Subject(s): Article IV consultations | Bangladesh | Economic conditions | Economic indicators | Energy sector | Fiscal policy | Governance | Performance clauses | Performance criteria modifications | Performance criteria waivers

Publication Date: July 22, 2005
ISBN/ISSN: 1934-7685 Format: Paper
Stock No: 1BGDEA2005001 Pages: 90
US$15.00 (Academic Rate:
US$15.00 )
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