Confronting Budget Deficits

Author/Editor: Masson, Paul R. ; Mussa, Michael
Publication Date: September 26, 1996
Electronic Access: Free Full text

Summary: The phenomenon of substantial peacetime budget deficits over the past 20 years has been traced to the burden of entitlements, a slowdown in economic productivity, and demographic and macroeconomic shifts in the industrial countries. Though smaller and structurally different, deficits in developing countries have also become worrisome. Most economists agree that measures to reduce government spending are imperative, particularly through restructuring entitlement programs.
Series: Economic Issues No. 3
Subject(s): Budget deficits | Government expenditures

Publication Date: September 26, 1996
ISBN/ISSN: ISBN 1-55775-615-5 ; ISSN 1020-5098 Format: Paper
Stock No: EIIEA0031996 Pages: 19
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