Adjustment and Financing in the Developing World: The Role of the International Monetary Fund

Author/Editor: Killick, Tony
Publication Date: September 15, 1982
Summary: This book, edited by Tony Killick, consists of papers presented at a seminar sponsored jointly by the IMF and the Overseas Development Institute, held in London, England, to discuss the problems facing the developing world in a global environment of high inflation rates and large payments imbalances.
Subject(s): Adjustment process | Fund | Conditionality | Debt | International monetary system | International monetary reform | Payments imbalances | Developing countries

Notes Published by the International Monetary Fund in association with the Overseas Development Institute, London.
Publication Date: September 15, 1982
ISBN/ISSN: ISBN 0-939934-18-3 Format: Cloth
Stock No: AFDWEA0000000 Pages: xviii+232
Publication Date: September 15, 1982
ISBN/ISSN: ISBN 0-939934-19-1 Format: Paper
Stock No: AFDWEH0000000 Pages: xviii+232
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