Japan Administered Accounts For Technical Assistance and Training
The IMF each year receives financial support from the Government of Japan to help finance the IMF's technical assistance program. Since 1990, Japan has contributed more than US$402 million which has enabled the IMF to assist more than 120 member countries to strengthen their human and institutional capacity as a means to improve the quality of policy-making and the effectiveness of macroeconomic management. The support has made it possible to operate two scholarship programs which have benefited more than 660 graduate and doctorate students. The assistance is also used to support other IMF activities in Asia and the Pacific through its Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific in Tokyo. Japan's support is contributed through the Japan Subaccount under the Framework Administered Account for Selected Fund Activities, and in the past years, through Japan Administered Account for Selected IMF Activities, and the Subaccount for Japan Advanced Scholarship Program.