Speeches List 2000

Opening Remarks for the Inauguration of the IMF Center by Horst Köhler  IMF Gallery, Washington, D.C.November 30, 2000
Strengthening Crisis Prevention: The Role of Contingent Credit Lines -- Address by Stanley Fischer  Given at the Banco de Mexico, Mexico CityNovember 15, 2000
Multilateral Financial Cooperation and The Fight Against Poverty - The Role of the IMF, Statement by Flemming Larsen, Director, IMF Office in Europe  At hearing by the Commission on Articulations entre coopérations bilatérale et multilatérale of the Haut Conseil de la Coopération Internationale, At the Assemblée Nationale, ParisNovember 07, 2000
In Search of Stability and Broadly-Shared Prosperity: Reform of the International Monetary System, Address by Horst Köhler, Managing Director, IMF  Given at the Meeting with European Union Parliamentary Committees, Brussels, BelgiumNovember 07, 2000
The Continuing Challenge of Transition and Convergence, Remarks by Horst Köhler, Managing Director, IMF  Given at the Conference on Completing Transition: The Main Challenges, organized by the Austrian National Bank, Vienna, AustriaNovember 06, 2000
Welcoming Remarks by Mr. Horst Köhler, Managing Director, IMF, at the Africa Forum 2000  Delivered at the Africa Forum 2000, Washington, DCOctober 30, 2000
Adjusting to a Globalized Economy -- Address by Eduardo Aninat  Given at the Second Annual Americas’ Forum of The Institute of the Americas and the University of California, San Diego, La Jolla, CaliforniaOctober 13, 2000
Latin America 2000 -- Address by Stanley Fischer  Given at the LACEA Conference, Rio de JaneiroOctober 12, 2000
Indonesia: The Challenge of Sustaining the Economic Recovery -- Address by Anoop Singh  Delivered at the University of Indonesia, 50th Anniversary ConferenceOctober 04, 2000
Concluding Remarks by Horst Köhler, Chairman of the Executive Board and Managing Director of the IMF at the Closing Joint Session of the Board of Governors  The theme that has resonated in these meeting is clearly the need to make globalization work for the benefit of allSeptember 27, 2000
Address by Horst Köhler Chairman of the Executive Board and Managing Director of the IMF to the Board of Governors of the Fund  Given at the 2000 Annual Meetings, PragueSeptember 26, 2000
The Bank and the Fund's Perspective -- Some Lessons of the First Year of Official Multilateral Cooperation and Assistance to Help Rebuild East Timor  Given by Luis Valdivieso in PragueSeptember 24, 2000
Workshop on East Timor -- Remarks by Shigemitsu Sugisaki   Given at the Workshop on East Timor, 2000 Annual Meetings seminar program, PragueSeptember 24, 2000
International Monetary Fund: Getting the Job Done -- Address by Eduardo Aninat, Deputy Managing Director, IMF  Given at the Miami Herald Americas Conference, MiamiSeptember 15, 2000
Globalization: Valid Concerns? -- Comments by Stanley Fischer  Made to Closing Panel Discussion Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City Economic Symposium, Jackson Hole, WyomingAugust 26, 2000
Factors Driving Global Economic Integration -- by Michael Mussa, Economic Counselor and Director of Research, IMF  Presented in Jackson Hole, Wyoming at a symposium sponsored by the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City on Global Opportunities and ChallengesAugust 25, 2000
The IMF in a Changing World -- Remarks by Horst Köhler  Given at the National Press Club, Washington, DCAugust 07, 2000
Managing the International Monetary System -- Address by Stanley Fischer  Given at the International Law Association Biennial Conference, LondonJuly 26, 2000
Integrating All Countries into the Increasingly Globalized Economy -- Address by Eduardo Aninat  At the High-Level Meeting of the UN Economic and Social Council, New YorkJuly 05, 2000
The Challenges to Economic Policy -- Address by Shigemitsu Sugisaki   Given at the Oesterreichische Nationalbank 28th Economics Conference, ViennaJune 16, 2000
Strengthening the Focus on Poverty Reduction -- Remarks by Eduardo Aninat  Given at the Development Policy Forum, BerlinJune 15, 2000
Address by Margaret Kelly to the Ad Hoc Committee of the Whole, Special Session of the General Assembly, Women 2000: Gender Equality, Development and Peace for the Twenty-first Century  June 05, 2000
The IMF and the Financial Sector--Introductory Remarks by Stanley Fischer  given at the Seminar on Financial Risks, System Stability, and Economic GlobalizationJune 05, 2000
Toward a More Focused IMF--Luncheon Address by Horst Köhler  Given at the International Monetary Conference, Paris, FranceMay 30, 2000
Growth and Stability in Latin America and the Caribbean: Challenges for the Epoch of Globalization--Lecture by Eduardo Aninat  delivered at the Eric Williams Memorial Lecture, Port-of-Spain, Trinidad and TobagoMay 26, 2000
The Lessons of Reform -- Ten Years On -- Remarks by Stanley Fischer  Presented at the University for National and World Economy Sofia, BulgariaMay 25, 2000
Ecuador and the IMF -- Address by Stanley Fischer  Hoover Institution Conference on Currency Unions, Palo Alto, CaliforniaMay 19, 2000
Statement by Stanley Fischer, Acting Managing Director, to the G24 Ministerial Meeting  April 15, 2000
Lunch address by Stanley Fischer at American University  Given at the conference on Promoting Dialogue: Global Challenges and Global InstitutionsApril 13, 2000
Russian Economic Policy at the Start of the New Administration -- Remarks by Stanley Fischer, Acting Managing Director of the IMF  Prepared for the conference on Investment Climate and Russia's Economic Strategy, State University: Higher School of Economics MoscowApril 06, 2000
Remarks by Stanley Fischer at the Bretton Woods Committee Meeting  April 04, 2000
High-Level Seminar: Implementing Inflation Targets -- Closing Remarks by Mr. Eduardo Aninat  Washington, DCMarch 21, 2000
Opening Remarks by Stanley Fischer  Given at the IMF Institute's High-Level Seminar on Implementing Inflation TargetsMarch 20, 2000
Making Globalization Work for All--Remarks by Eduardo Aninat  Given at the German Foundation for International DevelopmentMarch 14, 2000
Development and Poverty Reduction: a Multilateral Approach -- Address by Michel Camdessus  Given at the Tenth United Nations Conference on Trade and Development, Bangkok, ThailandFebruary 13, 2000
Remarks by Stanley Fischer at the Farewell Reception in Honor of the Managing Director  February 10, 2000
Remarks by Michel Camdessus at the Farewell Reception in his Honor  February 10, 2000
Challenges and Opportunities: The IMF and the Caribbean -- Address by Shigemitsu Sugisaki   Given at the High Level Seminar on the Caribbean, St. Peter, BarbadosFebruary 08, 2000
Statement by Michel Camdessus at the Third meeting of Western Hemisphere Finance Ministers, Cancún, Mexico  Given at the Third Meeting of Western Hemisphere Finance Ministers, Cancún, MexicoFebruary 03, 2000
The IMF We Need -- Remarks by Michel Camdessus  Given at the Institute for the Study of Diplomacy, School of Foreign Service, Georgetown University, Washington, DCFebruary 02, 2000
Presentation by Stanley Fischer to the International Financial Institution Advisory Commission  The recent crises have posed difficult new challenges, to which we responded swiftly; we are now seeing the benefits of most of the policies we recommended. But the crises also revealed the need for reform of the Fund and its activities. The process of reform is now well under way, but far from complete.February 02, 2000
An Agenda for the IMF at the start of the 21st Century -- Remarks by Michel Camdessus  Given at the Council on Foreign Relations, New YorkFebruary 01, 2000
The Unfinished Reform Agenda in Asia: How Much Does it Matter in the Context of Renewed Growth? -- Address by Hubert Neiss  Given at the IMF Media Seminar, SingaporeJanuary 25, 2000
Farewell to Africa Concluding Remarks by Michel Camdessus  Given at the at the Summit Meeting of African Heads of State, Libreville, GabonJanuary 19, 2000
Poverty Reduction and Growth: An Agenda for Africa at the Dawn of the Third Millennium -- Opening Remarks by Michel Camdessus  Given at the Summit Meeting of African Heads of State Libreville, GabonJanuary 18, 2000