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Climate Change: Challenges and Opportunities after the 2015 Paris Conference

A Conference Jointly Organized by the British Embassy, the IMF Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific (OAP), and the Royal Norwegian Embassy

Tokyo Prince Park Tower Hotel, Tokyo, Japan

December 15, 2015

More than 190 countries have now gathered in Paris for the United Nation’s COP21 international climate conference to agree on a new global climate change deal. This agreement, covering all countries, both developed and developing countries, will be the most important global climate event since the Kyoto meeting in 1997. Following the Paris meeting, however, the real work will start.

At this seminar, right after the conclusion of the COP21, we will engage with key stakeholders from the public and the private sectors to discuss post-Paris actions on climate change and transition to a low carbon economy.

Tuesday, December 15, 2015




Opening Remarks:

Ambassador Erling Rimestad
, Royal Norwegian Embassy

Mr. Odd Per Brekk, Director, IMF Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific

Mr. Jonathan Joo-Thomson, Head of Climate Change and Energy Team, British Embassy Tokyo


Keynote Addresses

Keynote Speech I: (Title TBC) “The New Climate Economy”
Mr. Yvo de Boer, Director General, the Global Green Growth Institute

Keynote Speech II:“Addressing the Macroeconomic Challenges of Climate Change”
Mr. Giovanni Ganelli, Deputy Head of Office, IMF Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific


Coffee Break


Panel Discussion

Mr. Odd Per Brekk
, Director, IMF Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific

Mr. Shigeki Mitomo
, Senior Policy Coordinator, Policy Planning Division, Environmental Policy Bureau and Global Environment Bureau; Secretary General , Secretariat for the G7 Environment Ministers Meeting 2016, the Ministry of Environment, Japan

Mr. Yoshinori Miura, Head of Class Operations Japan, DNV GL

Mr. David Povall, CEO RES Asia Pacific, RES Ltd

Ms. Kazuko Shiraishi, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary for Women, Human Rights and Humanitarian Affairs, and in charge of Arctic Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan

Mr. Hiroyuki Tezuka, Chairman, Global Environmental Strategy Working Group, Committee on Environment and Safety, Keidanren


Closing session: Presentations by winners of the 2015 children’s Climate Essay Competition “Together we can do even better”

Ms. Yuuka Nozaki, 18, Yokohama Science Frontier High School

Mr. Takuma Wada, 15, Junior High School attached to the Faculty of Education of Shiga University

Ms. Yurie Yamaguchi, 15, Doshisha International Junior High School

