The Tenth Annual OECD-World Bank-IMF Bond Market Forum
Organized by The World Bank Group, OECD and the IMFApril 29–30, 2008
Washington, DC
The Annual OECD-World Bank-IMF Bond Market Forum shared the latest developments in worldwide debt markets and disseminated country cases and best practices (read the key policy conclusions). The workshop brought together an audience of approximately 100 senior government officials from both OECD and non-OECD countries.
The annual forum provides a platform for debt managers, and other policymakers to discuss latest developments in global bond markets, understand emerging practices, and learn form country experiences. This year, the forum focused on "liquidity and secondary debt markets." This includes, trends in liquidity in domestic debt markets, the impact of different market structures on liquidity, the impact of the investor base on liquidity, and key policy challenges for strengthening liquidity.