LATIN AMERICAN ECONOMIC SYSTEMHEADQUARTERSAv Francisco de Miranda Telephone: [58](212)955-7111 Torre Europa, Piso 4 Facsimile: [58](212)951-5292 Urb. Campo Alegre E-Mail: Caracas 1060 Internet: Venezuela Permanent Secretary : ... Roberto GUARNIERI Director of Economic Relations: ... William LARRALDE Director of Development: ... Giovanni E. REYES LANGUAGES: English, French, Portuguese, SpanishESTABLISHMENT AND FUNCTIONSThe Latin American Economic System (SELA) was established at a ministerial meeting of 25 Latin American and Caribbean countries held in Panama, October 17, 1975. SELA was set up as a permanent regional organization for consultation, coordination, cooperation and joint social and economic development, with an international juridical personality. Objectives:
To foster cooperation and integration among the countries of Latin America and the Caribbean. Main areas of work:
The Secretariat provides technical assistance to the Group of Rio, to GRULAs and other subregional and regional coordination bodies. Analysis of trends and negotiations in hemispheric and multilateral trade, particularly World Trade Organization (WTO) decisions, trade in services, the link between trade and environment, rules of origin, and the implementation of the Uruguay Round agreements. Studies on the situation of capital flows, regional external debt and domestic savings, analysis of multilateral financial institutions, and exchange of experiences and information on the modernization of national financial systems. Intra-regional relations:
Follow-up of integration mechanisms - MERCOSUR, Andean Community, Central American Common Market, CARICOM, Group of Three, Association of Caribbean States, and ALADI - and the process of creating the Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA), as well as the analysis of possibilities for linkage and convergence of integration mechanisms. Analysis, exchange of experiences and identification of cooperation programs among Lating America and Caribbean countries on SMEs, industrialization and technical innovations, competition policies and consensus on intellectual property issues. SELA also fosters joint reflection and exchange of national experiences regarding the articulation of economic and social policies. Cooperation:
With the support of bilateral and multilateral agencies, promotes the implementation of programs and projects aimed at strengthening regional and subregional integration, particularly in Central America and the Caribbean. Activities:
Organizes forums with the participation of government and private sector representatives, and holds meetings of experts on specific issues of the regional and global economic agenda. Maintains close relations, based on cooperationm, with the most important organizations, public institutions and private entities at the regional and international levels. Holds seminars, courses and workshops on issues of economic interest for the Latin American and Caribbean region. COMPOSITION28 member countries: Argentina, The Bahamas, Barbados, Belize, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, Grenada, Guatemala, Guyana, Haiti, Honduras, Jamaica, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Suriname, Trinidad and Tobago, Uruguay, Venezuela STRUCTUREThe Latin American Council is the principal decision-making body of SELA. Each of the member states has one representative on this Council, which holds an annual meeting, and is responsible for the establishment of the general policies of the institution and its work program through decisions that are approved by consensus. The Permanent Secretariat, the technical adminsitrative organ is headed by a Permanent Secretary, elected by the Latin American Council every four years. The Action Committees are flexible cooperation mechanisms which are set up on the basis of interest by two or more countries in promoting joint programs and projects in specific areas. These Committees are either dissolved upon the completion of their objectives, or may become Permanent Bodies fo the system. GENERAL PUBLICATIONSCapitulos del SELA (pubished three times a year in English and Spanish); Meeting Documents (annual); Current Situation Reports; Strategic Issues; SELA Antenna in the United States (quarterly); Integration Bulletin (monthly) UPDATED: December 2003