Directory of Economic, Commodity and Development Organizations - table of contents



Jamal Abdel Nasser Street - Shuweikh                 Postal Add:  P.O. Box 20501
Safat 13066                                          Telephone:   [965]484-4500
Kuwait                                               Facsimile:   [965]481-5747
                                                     Telex:       22166 NAF ARAB

          Secretary General:     ...     Abdul Aziz A. AL-TURKI



The Organization of Arab Petroleum Exporting Countries (OAPEC) was established in 1968 with the following major goals: to promote cooperation and close ties between the member countries in economic activities related to the oil industry; to determine ways of safeguarding their legitimate interests, both individual and collective, in the oil industry; to unite their efforts so as to ensure the flow of oil to consumer markets on equitable and reasonable terms; and to create a favorable climate for the investment of capital and expertise in their petroleum industries.

OAPEC pursues its goals mainly through the following activities: (1) to take adequate measures for the coordination of the petroleum economic policies of its members; (2) to take adequate measures for the harmonization of the legal systems in the member countries to the extent necessary for the Organization to carry out its activity; (3) to help members exchange information and expertise, and to provide training and employment opportunities for citizens of member countries in member countries where such possibilities exist; (4) to promote cooperation among members in solving problems in the petroleum industry; and (5) to utilize the member countries' resources and common potentials in joint projects in the petroleum industry.


11 member countries: Algeria, Bahrain, Egypt, Iraq, Kuwait, Socialist People's Libyan Arab Jamahiriya, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Syrian Arab Republic, Tunisia*, United Arab Emirates

* Tunisia's request for withdrawal was agreed by OAPEC's Council of Ministers in 1986, until Tunisia chooses to reactivate its membership.


The Ministerial Council, the highest authority of the Organization, is responsible for drawing up its general policy, directs its activities, and makes the rules governing it. The Council is composed of the oil ministers or comparable officials from each of the member countries. It meets at least twice yearly and may hold extraordinary sessions. The chairmanship rotates annually.

The Executive Bureau assists the Council in directing the management of the Organization, approves staff regulations of the Secretariat, reviews the draft budget and refers it to the Council together with the Secretary General's observations, considers matters relating to the application of the agreement and the Organization's performance of its activities and functions, and draws up the agenda for the Council. Each member country is represented on the Bureau. The Bureau meets at least three times a year. The chairmanship rotates annually.

The General Secretariat plans and executes the Organization's activities. It administers the programs and policies laid down by the Council and the Bureau. It is headed by a Secretary General, appointed for a term of three years, which is renewable, and aided by not more than three Assistant Secretaries General. Staff members are chosen for their qualifications from all Arab countries, members and nonmembers of the Organization. The Secretariat includes the Arab Center for Energy Studies, comprising the Economics and Technical Affairs departments; the Information and Library Department, and the Finance and Administrative Affairs Department.

The Judicial Tribunal serves as a specialized Arab tribunal for reconciling disputes over petroleum matters between members, or between any member and an oil company operating in the territory of the member. The Tribunal also has advisory jurisdiction. It is composed of persons qualified to hold the highest judicial positions in their countries or who are jurists of international repute. Judgments of the Tribunal are final and binding on the parties to the dispute and enforceable in the territory of the members.

OAPEC sponsors the Quadrennial Arab Energy Conference and the following ventures:

Arab Maritime Petroleum Transport Company (AMPTC)
Arab Shipbuilding and Repair Yard Company (ASRY)
Arab Petroleum Investments Corporation (APICORP)
Arab Petroleum Services Company (APSC)
Arab Petroleum Training Institute (APTI)


Secretary General's Annual Report (Arabic and English editions); Oil and Arab Cooperation (quarterly; Arabic, with English abstracts and bibliography); OAPEC Monthly Bulletin (Arabic and English editions); Energy Resources Monitor (Arabic only); OAPEC Annual Statistical Report (Arabic/English); Papers, Studies, Conference and Symposium Proceedings

UPDATED:  April 20, 2003

Directory of Economic, Commodity and Development Organizations - table of contents