BANK FOR INTERNATIONAL SETTLEMENTS (BIS)HEADQUARTERSCentralbahnplatz 2 Postal Add: CH-4002 Basel Basel Telephone: [41](61)280-8080 Switzerland Facsimile: [41](61)280-9100 [41](61)280-8100 Telex: 962487 biz ch. E-Mail: Internet: Representaive Office for Asia and the Pacific: 78th Floor Telephone: [852]2878-7100 Two International Finance Center Facsimile: [852]2878-7123 8 Finance Street, Central Hong Kong SAR People's Republic of China Representative Office for the Americas: Torre Chapultepec Telephone: [52 55]9138-0290 Rubén Dario 281 - 17th floor Facsimile: [52 55]9138-0299 Col. Bosque de Chapultepec Del. Miguel Hidalgo 11580 México, D.F. Mexico BOARD OF DIRECTORS Chairman of the Board and President of the Bank: ... Nout H.E.M. WELLINK (Amsterdam) Vice-Chairman of the Board: ... Hans TIETMEYER (Frankfurt am Main) Directors: ... Vincenzo DESARIO (Rome) ... David DODGE (Ottawa) ... Antonio FAZIO (Rome) ... Toshihiko FUKUI (Tokyo) ... Timothy F. GEITHNER (New York) ... Sir Edward A.J. GEORGE (London) ... Alan GREENSPAN (Washington, DC) ... Hervé HANNOUN (Paris) ... Lars HEIKENSTEN (Stockholm) ... Mervyn KING (London) ... Christian NOYER (Paris) ... Guy Quaden (Brussels) ... Jean-Pierre ROTH (Zurich) ... Alfons VERPLAETSE (Brussels) ... Ernst WELTEKE (Frankfurt am Main) Alternates: ... Marc-Olivier STRAUSS-KAHN or Michel CARDONA (Paris) ... Paul TUCKER or Paul FISHER (London) ... Peter PRAET or Jan SMETS (Brussels) ... Roger W. FERGUSON or Karen H. JOHNSON (Washington, DC) ... Bruno BIANCHI or Vincenzo PONTOLILLO (Rome) ... Jürgen STARK or Stefan SCHOENBERG (Frankfurt am Main) SENIOR BANK OFFICIALS General Manager: ... Malcolm KNIGHT Deputy General Manager: ... André ICARD Secretary General, Head of Dept.: ... Gunter D. BAER Economic Adviser, Head of the Monetary and Economic Dept: ... William R. WHITE Head of the Banking Department: ... Robert D. SLEEPER General Counsel, Manager: ... Mario GIOVANOLI Deputy Head of the Banking Department: ... Günter PLEINES Deputy Secretary General ... Peter DITTUS Chairman, Financial Stability Institute ... Josef TOŠOVSKÝ GENERAL MANAGER'S OFFICE General Manager: ... Malcolm KNIGHT Deputy General Manager: ... André ICARD Adviser, General Manager's Office: ... Jozef Van't dack MONETARY AND ECONOMIC DEPARTMENT Economic Adviser, Head of the Monetary and Economic Dept: ... William R. WHITE Senior Adviser to Head of Department: Joseph BISIGNANO SECRETARIAT OF THE BASEL COMMITTEE ON BANKING SUPERVISION Secretary General: ... Ryozo HIMINO Deputy Secretary General: ... Karl CORDEWENER Deputy Secretary General: ... Charles A. FREELAND SECRETARIAT GROUP (SG) Head: ... Philip P. TURNER Committee on the Global Financial System (CGFS): ... Allen FRANKEL Committee on Payment and Settlement Systems (CPSS): ... Marc HOLLANDERS Macroeconomic Monitoring (MM): ... Palle S. ANDERSEN Emerging Market Issues (EMI): ... Ramon MORENO International Liaison (IL): ... Gavin BINGHAM RESEARCH AND POLICY ANALYSIS (RPA) Head: ... Claudio BORIO Financial Markets (FM): ... Eli REMOLONA Financial Institutions and Infrastructure (FII): ... Kostas TSATSORONIS Monetary Policy and Exchange Rates (MPER): ... Gabriele GALATI Dept. Research Assistance (DRA): ... Marc KLAU INFORMATION, STATISTICS AND ADMINISTRATION (ISA) Head: ... Paul VAN DEN BERGH Adviser: ... Stuart FEDER Data Bank Services: ... Ms. Gabriele BECKER International Financial Statistics (IFS): ... Rainer-Michael WIDERA Information and Publication Services (IPS): ... Kaushik JAYARAM BANKING DEPARTMENT Head: ... Robert D. SLEEPER Deputy Head: ... Günter PLEINES TREASURY Head: ... Jean-François RIGAUDY Head, Central Bank Services: ... John R. LOWEN Deputy Head, Central Bank Services: ... François-Marie BRUÈRE Head, Money Markets and Credits: ... Markus JENNI Head, Medium-Term Operations: ... Luis BENGOECHEA Head, Foreign Exchange and Gold Markets: ... Benoît GILSON Head, Regional Treasury (Hong Kong)... Jean-Pierre MATT ASSET MANAGEMENT Head: ... Guy HENRIQUES Head, Marketing and Client Relationships: ... Pierre CARDON DE LICHTBUER BANKING SETTLEMENTS CENTRE AND BANKING IT Head: ... Jeremy M. BARSON Deputy Head: ... Bernard TSCHUPP Head, Trade Processing: ... Laurent NIAUFRE Principal Business Analyst: ... Simon MAY RISK CONTROL AND INTERNAL AUDIT Head: ... André ICARD RISK CONTROL Head: ... Jens ULRICH Deputy Head and Head of Credit Analysis: ... Mrs. Monica ELLIS Head, Market Risk: ... Hervé CARON Head, Risk Methodology: ... Wolfgang GEHLEN INTERNAL AUDIT Head: ... Thomas WINSNES GENERAL SECRETARIAT Secretary General: ... Gunter D. BAER Deputy Secretary General: ... Peter DITTUS BUILDING, SECURITY AND LOGISTICS Head: ... Christian RIME Head of Engineering: ... Wolfgang SICK Head of Security and Surveillance: ... Charles STROHL Head of Procurement Services and Administration: ... Siegfried KAUFMANN Head of Internal Services: ... Giovanni GELMI EXTERNAL SERVICES Secretary to the Board and Head of External Services: ... Hermann B. GREVE Head of Meetings and Protocol: ... Ms. Beate DIEMER INFORMATION AND DOCUMENTATION SERVICES Head: ... Alan W. MORTBY Head of Language Services ... Ms. Ruth SCHEITHAUER Head of Press & Communications: ... Ms. Anita BRELAND Head of Library, Archives and Research Support: ... Piet CLEMENT INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY SERVICES Head: ... Gill KIRKWOOD Deputy Head: ... Wilhelm FRITZ HUMAN RESOURCES Head: ... Mrs. Sheila GRAY Deputy Head: ... Hans C. WEENINK FINANCE SECTION Head of Finance, Chief Accountant: ... Frederick G. B. ADELMANN Principal Budget Controller: ... Mrs. Angelika NAGEL LEGAL SERVICE General Counsel, Manager: ... Mario GIOVANOLI Deputy General Counsel: ... Daniel LEFORT FINANCIAL STABILITY INSTITUTE Chairman: ... Josef TOŠOVSKÝ Director: ... Ms. Elizabeth ROBERTS OTHER SECRETARIATS LOCATED AT THE BANK OF INTERNATIONAL SETTLEMENTS Financial Stability Forum Chairman: ... Roger W. FERGUSON, Jr. Secretary General: ... Svein ANDRESEN International Association of Insurance Supervisors (IAIS) Secretary General: ... Yoshihiro KAWAI Deputy Secretary General: ... Catherine LEZON International Association of Deposit Insurers (IADI) Secretary General: ... John Raymond LABROSSE Chief Representative, BIS Asian Office: ... Shinichi YOSHIKUNI Deputy Chief Representative, BIS Asian Office: ... Robert Neil MCCAULEY Chief Representative, Office for the Americas ... Gregor HEINRICH Deputy Chief Representative, Office for the Americas ... Angus BUTLER LANGUAGES: English, French, German, ItalianESTABLISHMENTThe Bank for International Settlements (BIS) commenced its activities in Basel on 17 May 1930 and is thus the world's oldest international financial organisation and meeting place. The need to create an international organisation such as the BIS had been perceived from the beginning of the century. However, it was not until the adoption of the Young Plan under the Hague Agreements of 20 January 1930, whose main purpose was to facilitate German reparations after World War I, that the necessary steps were taken. The intergovernmental agreements concluded at the Hague Conference in January 1930 provided for the founding of the BIS by a group of six central banks and a financial institution of the USA and for the granting of a Constituent Charter to the BIS by Switzerland, the country in which the BIS was to be established.
FUNCTIONThe BIS is an international organisation which fosters international monetary and financial cooperation and serves as a bank for central banks. The BIS fulfils this mandate by acting as:
Governors and officials of shareholding central banks meet regularly at the offices of the BIS in Basel and, on occasion, at the Representative Office in Hong Kong SAR. Often they are joined by representatives of other central banks. The BIS offers a range of banking services specifically designed to assist central banks in the management of their foreign exchange and gold reserves. It also acts as a banker to, and manages funds for, international financial institutions. The BIS does not accept deposits from, or provide financial services to, private individuals or corporate entities, nor is it permitted to make advances to governments or open current accounts in their name. At present, around 130 central banks and international financial institutions place deposits with the BIS. The total of currency deposits placed with the BIS amounted to SDR 122.5 billion at the end of March 2003, representing around 6.5% of world foreign exchange reserves. The BIS's Monetary and Economic Department conducts research, particularly into monetary and financial questions, to support the activities of groups meeting at the BIS. It also maintains a macroeconomic database to which contributing central banks have access. The Department's research focuses on issues of direct interest to central banks, and is thus of an applied nature. Much of the Department's work is published in the BIS Papers series, or as BIS Working Papers, as well as in academic journals and conference volumes of central banks. The work undertaken also serves, directly or indirectly, as an important input to the wide-ranging reviews of international economic and financial developments contained in the BIS's Annual Report and Quarterly Review. Since its foundation the BIS has performed various functions as trustee, fiscal agent or depository with regard to a number of international loan agreements. In accordance with two Collateral Pledge Agreements, the BIS acts in the capacity of collateral agent to hold and invest collateral for the benefit of the holders of certain US dollar-denominated bonds issued by Brazil under the rescheduling arrangements and maturing in either 15 or 30 years. The BIS has undertaken similar functions for Peru since March 1997 and Côte d'Ivoire since March 1998 in connection with the external debt rescheduling arrangements agreed in November 1996 and May 1997 respectively. COMPOSITIONForty- nine institutions have rights of voting and representation at General Meetings. These are the central banks or monetary authorities of Argentina, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Brazil, Bulgaria, Canada, China, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hong Kong SAR, Hungary, Iceland, India, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Korea, Latvia, Lithuania, the Republic of Macedonia, Malaysia, Mexico, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, Slovakia, Slovenia, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Thailand, Turkey, the United Kingdom and the United States, as well as the European Central Bank. STRUCTUREThe BIS has two statutory organs: the General Meeting and the Board of Directors. The General Meeting is held annually, within four months of 31 March, the end of the BIS's financial year. The Board of Directors, currently chaired by Nout Wellink, President of the Netherlands Bank, has 17 members. It comprises the Governors of the central banks of Belgium, France, Germany, Italy and the United Kingdom and the Chairman of the Board of Governors of the US Federal Reserve System. Each ex officio member appoints another member of the same nationality. The Statutes also provide for the election to the Board of not more than nine Governors of other member central banks. The Governors of the central banks of Canada, Japan, the Netherlands, Sweden and Switzerland are currently elected members of the Board. The Board of Directors elects a Chairman from among its members and appoints the President of the BIS for a three-year term. Since 1948 the two offices have been vested in one person. The Board of Directors appoints the General Manager, the Deputy General Manager and the three Heads of Department. The staff of the BIS (including temporary staff) numbers 526 and is drawn from 44 countries. GENERAL PUBLICATIONAnnual Report UPDATED: December 29, 2003