Directory of Economic, Commodity and Development Organizations - table of contents


Banque africaine de développement (BAD)



01 B.P. 1387                                          Telephone:     [225]20-20-4444
Abidjan 01                                            Facsimile:     [225]20-20-4959
Côte d'Ivoire                                         E-mail:
African Development Bank
Angle des trois rues: Avenue du Ghana, 
  Rue Pierre de Coubertin, Rue Hedi Nouira
BP. 323, 1002 Tunis Belvedere
Telephone:     [216] 71 333 511
Facsimile:     [216] 71 351 933
     President:                          ...     Omar KABBAJ

LANGUAGES: English, French


The African Development Bank Group (AfDB Group) is a multinational development bank supported by 77 nations (member countries) from Africa, North and South America, Europe and Asia. Headquartered in Abidjan, Côte d'Ivoire, the Bank Group consists of three institutions: The African Development Bank (AfDB), the African Development Fund (ADF), and the Nigeria Trust Fund (NTF). The Bank Group mission is to promote economic and social development through loans, equity investments and technial assistance.


On February 16, 1961, the African members of the UN Economic Commission for Africa (ECA), by Resolution 27(III), requested the Executive Secretary to undertake a thorough study of the possibility of establishing an African development bank. On March 1, 1962, the Economic Commission for Africa, by Resolution 52(IV), established a committee composed of representatives of the nine member governments (Committee of Nine) to make all necessary governmental and other contacts relevant to the establishment of the Bank. The Agreement establishing the African Development Bank, which was adopted and opened for signature by a Conference of Finance Ministers held in Khartoum, Sudan on August 4, 1963, entered into force on September 10, 1964. The first meeting of the Board of Governors of the Bank was held in Lagos, Nigeria, November 7, 1964, during which the first Board of Directors was elected.

Initially, only independent African states were eligible to become members of the Bank. Following the amendment of the Agreement Establishing the African Development Bank in May 1982, membership was opened to non-regional (non-African) countries as well.

The Bank's principal functions are: (i) to make loans and equity investments for the economic and and social advancement of the RMCs; (ii) to provide technical assistance for the preparation and execution of development projects and programs; (iii) to promote investment of public and private capital for development purposes; and (iv) to respond to requests for assistance in coordinating development policies and plans of RMCs. In its operations, the Bank is also required to give special attention to national and multinational projects and programs which promote regional integration.


53 regional member countries: Algeria, Angola, Benin, Botswana, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cameroon, Cape Verde, Central African Republic, Chad, Comoros, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Republic of the Congo, Côte d'Ivoire, Djibouti, Egypt, Equatorial Guinea, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Gabon, The Gambia, Ghana, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Kenya, Lesotho, Liberia, Libya, Madagascar, Malawi, Mali, Mauritania, Mauritius, Morocco, Mozambique, Namibia, Niger, Nigeria, Rwanda, São Tomé and Príncipe, Senegal, Seychelles, Sierra Leone, Somalia, South Africa, Sudan, Swaziland, Tanzania, Togo, Tunisia, Uganda, Zambia, Zimbabwe

24 non-regional member countries: Argentina, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, China, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, India, Italy, Japan, Korea, Kuwait, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Saudi Arabia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom, United States


Each member country is represented on the Board of Governors, which is the supreme organ of the Bank, by a Governor and Alternate, subject to reappointment or to termination of appointment at any time by the appointing member country. The Board of Governors issues general directives concerning the operational policies of the Bank.

The Board of Directors is comprised of eighteen members who are neither Governors nor Alternate Governors. Twelve members are elected by the Governors of the regional member countries and six by the Governors of the non-regional member countries. Directors are elected for a term of three years, and may be re-elected. Each Director appoints an Alternate, but no Alternate may be of the same nationality as his Director. The Board of Directors exercises all the powers of the Bank, except those expressly reserved to the Board of Governors by the Agreement establishing the Bank. The Board is responsible for the conduct of the general operations of the Bank.

Management. The President is elected by the Board of Governors of the Bank, upon the recommendation of the Board of Directors, for a term of five years. He may be re-elected. The President of the Bank is also the President of all the Institutions comprising the African Development Bank Group, i.e., the African Development Bank, the African Development Fund, and the Nigeria Trust Fund. The President is Head of the Bank's Management and is also Chairman of the Board of Directors of these institutions.

As of January 1, 2002, the African Development Bank Group implemented a new organizational structure. The reforms, engaged since 1996, constitute a solid foundation on which the Bank can build an institution capable of delivering on the Vision adopted by its Board of Governors in 1999. In this respect, the three Vice-President-level complexes which existed up to December 31, 2001 were at the beginning of 2002 replaced by five: i) Vice-President Planning, Policy and Research; ii) Vice-President Corporate Management; iii) Vice-President Operations, Central and West Regions; iv) Vice-President Operations, North, East and South Regions and Private Sector; and v) Vice-President, Finance. The two new operations complexes are composed of Sector Departments responsible for project management and Country Departments that will concentrate their action on macroeconomic analyses, country assistance strategy, policy dialogue, lending policy and public sector management.


ADB Group Vision Statement (approved by the Board of Governors in 1999);Annual Report (English, French, Arabic); African Development Report (annual); African Development Review (semi-annual); African Development Bank Group in brief; ADB Group Operational Programme for the period 1987-1991; Compendium of Statistics (annual); Selected Statistics on Regional Member Countries; Economic Research Papers; Africa and the African Development Bank; Cooperation with National Development Finance Institutions; Policy documents on: Water Supply and Sanitation; Education; Agricultural Sector ; Good Governance; Economic Cooperation and Regional Integration; Transport Sector; Gender; Population; Poverty Alleviation Strategy and Action Programme; Environmental Assessment; Guidelines; Development of the Private Sector; Environmental Guidelines for Mining Projects; Business Opportunities under Operations Financed by the African Development Bank Group; Gender, Poverty and Environmental Indicators on African Countries

UPDATED:  December 2003

Directory of Economic, Commodity and Development Organizations - table of contents