Directory of Economic, Commodity and Development Organizations - table of contents



AAAID          ...    Arab Authority for Agricultural Investment and Development
AAID           ...    Arab Agency for Agricultural Investment and Development
                        (see League of Arab States)
ACCSM          ...    ASEAN Conference on Civil Service Matters (see ASEAN)
ACCT           ...    Agence de Coopération Culturelle et Technique (see NBA)
ACP            ...    Atlantic, Caribbean, and Pacific Countries (see EC)
ACSAD          ...    Arab Centre for Dry Region and Arid Land Studies (see Leage of Arab States)
ACST           ...    Arab Academy for Science and Technology (see League of Arab States)
ACU            ...    Asian Clearing Union
ADBI           ...    Asian Development Bank Institute (see AsDB)
ADF            ...    Asian Development Fund (see AsDB)
AELE           ...    Association européen de libre-échange (see EFTA)
AEM            ...    ASEAN Economic Ministers (see ASEAN)
AfDB           ...    African Development Bank
AfDF           ...    African Development Fund
AFESD          ...    Arab Fund for Economic and Social Development
AFREXIMBANK    ...    African Export-Import Bank
AFRO           ...    African Regional Organization (see ICFTU)
AFTA           ...    ASEAN Free Trade Area (see ASEAN)
AGFUND         ...    Arab Gulf Programme for United Nations Development
AGRIS          ...    International Information System for the Agricultural Sciences
                        and Technology (see FAO)
AIAFD          ...    Association des institutions africaines de financement de
                        développement (see AADFI)
AIC            ...    ASEAN Industrial Complementation (see ASEAN)
AID            ...    United States' Agency for International Development (see CDB)
AIDMO          ...    Arab Industrial Development and Mining Organization
                        (see League of Arab States)
AIJV           ...    ASEAN Industrial Joint Ventures (see ASEAN)
AIP            ...    ASEAN Industrial Projects (see ASEAN)
ALADI          ...    Asociación Latinoamericana de Integración; Latin American
                        Integration Association
ALALC          ...    Latin American Free Trade Association (see ALADI)
ALECSO         ...    Arab League Educational, Cultural, Scientific Organization
                        (see League of Arab States)
ALIDE          ...    Asociación Latinoamericana de Instituciones Financieras de
                        Desarrollo (see Latin American Association of Development
                        Financing Institutions)
ALO            ...    Arab Labour Organization (see League of Arab States)
AMF            ...    Arab Monetary Fund
AMM            ...    ASEAN Ministerial Meeting (see ASEAN)
AMPTC          ...    Arab Maritime Petroleum Transport Company (see OAPEC)
AMU            ...    Arab Maghreb Union
AMU            ...    Asian Monetary Unit (see ACU)
ANCAP          ...    Administración de Combustibles, Alcohol y Portland (see ARPEL)
ANRPC          ...    Association of Natural Rubber Producing Countries
AOA            ...    Australian Olive Association (see IOOC)
AOAD           ...    Arab Organization for Agricultural Development
AOOA           ...    Australian Olive Oil Association (see IOOC)
APCC           ...    Asian and Pacific Coconut Community
APCTT          ...    Asian and Pacific Centre for Transer of Technology
APEC           ...    Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation
APICORP        ...    Arab Petroleum Investments Corporation (see OAPEC)
APPER          ...    Africa's Priority Programme for Economic Recovery and Development
                        (see OAU)
APRO           ...    Asian and Pacific Regional Organization (see ICFTU)
APSC           ...    Arab Petroleum Services Company (see OAPEC)
APTI           ...    Arab Petroleum Training Institute (see OAPEC)
ARF            ...    Andean Reserve Fund (see LARF)
ARF            ...    ASEAN Regional Forum (see ASEAN)
ARPEL          ...    Asociación Regional de Empresas de Petróleo y Gas Natural
                        en Latinoamérica y el Caribe (see Regional Association of Oil
                        and Natural Gas Companies in Latin America and the Caribbean)
ASBU           ...    Arab States Broadcasting Union (see League of Arab States)
ARF            ...    Andean Reserve Fund (see LARF)
AsDB           ...    Asian Development Bank
ASEAN          ...    Association of South East Asian Nations
ASFIS          ...    Aquatic Sciences and Fisheries Information System (see FAO)
ASOD           ...    ASEAN Senior Officials on Drug Matters (see ASEAN)
ASOEN          ...    ASEAN Senior Officials on Environment (see ASEAN)
ASRY           ...    Arab Shipping and Repair Yard Company (see OAPEC)
ASSET          ...    Assessment of Safety Significant Event Teams (see IAEA)
ATFP           ...    Arab Trade Financing Program
ATI            ...    African Trade Insurance Agency (see COMESA)


BAAIJV         ...    Basic Agreement on ASEAN Industrial Joint Venture (see ASEAN)
BAD            ...    Banque africaine de développement (see AfDB)
BADEA          ...    Banque Arabe pour le Développement Economique en Afrique
                        (see Arab Bank for Economic Development in Africa)
BCEAEC         ...    Banque Centrale des Etats de l'Afrique Equatoriale et du Cameroun
                        (see BEAC)
BCEAO          ...    Banque Central des Etats de l'Afrique de l'Ouest
                        (see Central Bank of West African States)
BDEAC          ...    Banque de Développement des Etats de l'Afrique Central
                        (see Central African States Development Bank)
BCIE           ...    Banco Centroamericano de Integración Económica (see CABEI)
BEAC           ...    Banque des Etats de l'Afrique Centrale (see Bank of Central
                        African States)
BEI            ...    Banque européene d'investissement (see EIB)
BIAC           ...    Business and Industry Advisory Committee to the OECD
BID            ...    Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo; Banque interaméricaine de
                        développement  (see IaDB)
BIEF           ...    International Bank for Information on the French-Speaking States
                        (see NBA)
BIS            ...    Bank for International Settlements
BIZ            ...    Bank für Internationalen Zahlungsausgleich (see BIS)
BLADEX         ...    Banco Latinoamericano de Exportaciones (see Latin American
                        Export Bank)
BOAD           ...    Banque Ouest Africaine de Développement (see West African
                        Development Bank)
BP             ...    British Petroleum (see ARPEL)
BPPE           ...    Bureau of Programme Policy and Evaluation (see UNDP)
BPPS           ...    Private Sector Programme (see UNDP)
BRI            ...    Banca dei Regolamenti Internazionali; Banque des Règlements
                        Internationaux (see BIS)
BSEC           ...    Black Sea Economic Cooperation (see BSTDB)
BSTDB          ...    Black Sea Trade and Development Bank
BTN            ...    Brussels Tariff Nomenclature (see SIECA)


CA             ...    Council of Administration (see UPU)
CABEI          ...    Central American Bank for Economic Integration
CACM           ...    Central American Common Market (see SIECA)
CAD            ...    Computer Aided Design (see Colombo Plan Staff College)
CAF            ...    Corporación Andino de Fomento (see Andean Development Corporation)
CAM            ...    Computer Aided Manufacturing (see Colombo Plan Staff College)
CAMC           ...    Central American Monetary Council
CAME           ...    Conference of Allied Ministers of Education (see UNESCO)
CARICOM        ...    Caribbean Community
CARIFTA        ...    Caribbean Free Trade Association (see CARICOM)
CARIS          ...    Current Agricultural Research Information System (see FAO)
CARTAC         ...    Caribbean Regional Technical Assistance Centre
CARTIS         ...    Caribbean Trade Information System (see CARICOM)
CASDB          ...    Central African States Development Bank
CAUCA          ...    Standard Central American Tariff Code (see SIECA)
CBSS           ...    Council of the Baltic Sea States
CCMS           ...    Caribbean Centre for Monetary Studies
CCPS           ...    Consultative Council for Postal Studies (see UPU)
CCS            ...    Committee on Commodity Problems (see FAO)
CDB            ...    Caribbean Development Bank
CDCC           ...    Caribbean Development and Co-operation Committee (see ECLAC)
CE             ...    Communautés européennes (see EC)
CEA            ...    Nations Unies Commission économique pour l'Afrique (see ECA)
CEB            ...    Council of Europe Development Bank
CEC            ...    European Commission (see EC)
CEC            ...    Special Committee on Trade (see OAS)
CECA           ...    Communauté européenne du charbon et de l'acier (see EC)
CECON          ...    Special Committee for Consultation and Negotiation (see OAS)
CEDEAO         ...    Communauté Economique des Etats de l'Afrique de l'Ouest
                        (see ECOWAS)
CEDEFOP        ...    European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training (see EC)
CEE-ONU        ...    Commission économique des Nations Unies pour l'Europe (see UN/ECE)
CEEA           ...    Communauté européenne de l'énergie atomique (see EC)
CEFIR          ...    Centre de Formación para la Integración Regional
                        (see Training Centre for Regional Integration)
CEGAN          ...    Committee of High-Level Government Experts (see ECLAC)
CEMLA          ...    Centro de Estudios Monetarios Latinoamericanos (see Center for
                        Latin American Monetary Systems)
CEPAL          ...    Naciones Unidas Comisión Económica para América Latina y el Caribe
                        (see ECLAC)
CEPALC         ...    Nations Unies Commission économique pour l'Amérique latine
                        et les Caraïbes (see ECLAC)
CEPT           ...    Common Effective Preferential Tariff (see ASEAN)
CESAO          ...    Nations Unies Commission économique et sociale pour
                        l'Asie occidentale (see ESCWA)
CESAP          ...    Nations Unies Commission économique et sociale pour
                        l'Asie et le Pacifique (see ESCAP)
CGPRT          ...    Regional Coordination Centre for Research and Development
                        of Coarse Grains, Pulses, Roots and Tuber Crops in the
                        Humid Tropics of Asia and the Pacific (see ESCAP)
CICI           ...    International Committee of Intellectual Co-operation (see UNESCO)
CIDI           ...    Inter-American Council for Integral Development (see OAS)
CIECC          ...    Inter-American Council for Education, Science and Culture (see OAS)
CIER           ...    Comisión de Integración Eléctrica Regional
                        (see Regional Electrical Integration Commission)
CIES           ...    Inter-American Economic and Social Council (see OAS)
CIM            ...    MERCOSUR Information Center
CIOSL          ...    Confederación Internacional de Organizaciones Sindicales Libres
                        (see ICFTU)
CISL           ...    Confederation Internationales des Syndicates Libres (see ICFTU)
CNUCED         ...    Conferences des Nations Unies sur le Commerce et le Developpement
                        (see UNCTAD)
COBAC          ...    Commission Bancaire de l'Afrique Centrale (see BEAC)
COC            ...    Committee on Culture and Information (see ASEAN)
COCOTECH       ...    Permanent Panel on Coconut Techno-Economic Studies (see APCC)
COI            ...    Conseil oléicole international (see IOOC)
COMCEC         ...    OIC Standing Committee for Economic and Commercial Cooperation
                        (see IsDB)
COMESA         ...    Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa
COSD           ...    Committee of Social Development (see ASEAN)
CPCM           ...    Conseil Permanent Cunsultative du Maghreb (see AMU)
CPS            ...    Secrétariat Général de la Communauté du Pacifique (see SPC)
CREDIOP        ...    Credito per le Imprese e le Opere Pubbliche S.p.A. (see EIF)
CTI            ...    Committee on Trade and Investment (see APEC)
CUPET          ...    Cuba Petróleos (see ARPEL)


DAC            ...    Development Assistance Committee (see OECD)
DAP            ...    Drug Advisory Programme (see Colombo Plan)
DSB            ...    Dispute Settlement Body (see WTO)


EADB           ...    East African Development Bank
EBID           ...    ECOWAS Bank for Investment and Development (See ECOWAS Fund)
EBRD           ...    European Bank for Reconstruction and Development
EC             ...    European Union; European Community
ECAFE          ...    United Nations Economic Commission for Asia and the Far East
                        (see ESCAP)
ECB            ...    European Central Bank
ECCA           ...    East Caribbbean Currency Authority (see ECCB)
ECCB           ...    Eastern Caribbean Central Bank
ECCM           ...    East Caribbean Common Market (see OECS)
ECDS           ...    Eastern Caribbean Drug Service (see OECS)
ECIPS          ...    Eastern Caribbean Investment Promotion Service (see OECS)
ECLA           ...    United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America (now ECLAC)
ECLAC          ...    United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America and
                        the Caribbean
ECMT           ...    European Conference of Ministers of Transport (see OECD)
ECO            ...    Economic Cooperation Organization
ECOBANK        ...    West African Regional Commercial Bank (see ECOWAS)
ECOPETROL      ...    Empresa Colombiana de Petróleos (see ARPEL)
ECOSOC         ...    United Nations Economic and Social Council (see UNDP)
ECOWAS         ...    Economic Community of West African States
ECOWAS FUND    ...    Fund for Co-operation, Compensation and Development
ECSC           ...    European Coal and Steel Community (see EC)
ECSEDA         ...    Eastern Caribbean Export Development Agency (see OECS)
ECU            ...    European Currency Unit (see EC)
ECWA           ...    Uniter Nations Economic Commission for Western Asia (see ESCWA)
EDF            ...    Electricité de France (see CIER)
EDF            ...    European Development Fund (see EC)
EDRC           ...    Economics and Development Resource Center (see AsDB)
EEA            ...    European Economic Area (see EFTA)
EEC            ...    European Economic Community (see EC)
EFS            ...    Export Financing Scheme (see IsDB)
EFTA           ...    European Free Trade Association
EFTA           ...    United Nations Expanded Programme of Technical Assistance (see UPU)
EIB            ...    European Investment Bank
EIF            ...    European Investment Fund
EMCF           ...    European Monetary Cooperation Fund (see BIS)
EMI            ...    European Monetary Institute (see EC and ECB)
EMS            ...    European Monetary System (see EC and ECB)
EMU            ...    Economic and Monetary Union (see EC and ECB)
ENAP           ...    Empresa Nacional de Petróleo (see ARPEL)
ENCORE         ...    Environmental and Coastal Resources (see OECS)
ENEL           ...    Ente Nazionale Energia Elettrica, Italy (see CIER)
EPG            ...    Eminent Persons Group (see APEC)
ERDF           ...    ECOWAS Regional Development Fund (See ECOWAS Fund)
ERIB           ...    ECOWAS Regional Investment Bank (See ECOWAS Fund)
ESA            ...    European Surveillance Authority (see EFTA)
ESCAP          ...    United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and
                        the Pacific
ESCB           ...    European System of Central Banks (see ECB)
ESCWA          ...    United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia
EURATOM        ...    European Atomic Energy Community (see EC)


FAC            ...    Food Aid Committee (see IGC)
FAC            ...    French Assistance Agency (see LCBC)
FAD            ...    Fonds africain de développement (see AfDF)
FAO            ...    Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
FEDOLIVE       ...    EC Olive Oil Industry Federation (see IOOC)
FEI            ...    Fonds européen d'investissement (see EIF)
FISHDAB        ...    Fisheries Data Base (see FAO)
FLAR           ...    Fondo Latinoamericano de Reservas (see LARF)
FONPLATA       ...    Fondo Financiero para el Desarrollo de la Cuenca del Plata
                        (see Financial Fund for the Development of the River Plate Basin)
FONTEC         ...    Technical Cooperation Fund (see CABEI)
FORIS          ...    Forest Resources Information System (see FAO)


GATT           ...    General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (see WTO)
GCC            ...    Gulf Cooperation Council
GIS            ...    Geographic Information System (see FAO)
GLOBEFISH      ...    International Fish Market Indicators (see FAO)
GTC            ...    Grains Trade Convention (see IGC)
GUF            ...    Global Union Federations (see ICFTU)


HDI            ...    Human Development Index (see UNDP)
HRD            ...    Human Resource Development (see SAARC)
HYDRONIGER     ...    Inter-State (Hydrological) Forecasting Center (see NBA)


IAEA           ...    International Atomic Energy Agency
IAIGC          ...    Inter-Arab Investment Guarantee Corporation
IASC           ...    International Association of Seed Crushers (see IOOC)
IATIN          ...    Intra-Arab Trade Information Network (see ATFP)
IB             ...    International Bureau (see UPU)
IBE            ...    International Bureau of Education (see UNESCO)
IBFG           ...    Internationaler bund Freier Gewerkschaften (see ICFTU)
IBP            ...    Islamic Banks' Portfolio (see IsDB)
IBRD           ...    International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (World
                        Bank Group)
ICAC           ...    International Cotton Advisory Committee
ICAO           ...    International Civil Aviation Organization
ICB            ...    International Commodity Body (see Common Fund for Commodities)
ICCO           ...    International Cocoa Organization
ICFTU          ...    International Confederation of Free Trade Unions
ICIEC          ...    Islamic Corporation for the Insurance of Investment and Export
                        Credit (see IsDB)
ICO            ...    International Coffee Organization
ICSG           ...    International Copper Study Group (see Common Fund for Commodities)
ICSID          ...    International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes
                        (World Bank Group)
IDA            ...    International Development Association (World Bank Group)
IDB            ...    Inter-American Development Bank
IDEP           ...    United Nations African Institute for Economic Development and
IEA            ...    International Energy Agency (see OECD)
IFAD           ...    International Fund for Agricultural Development
IFC            ...    International Finance Corporation (World Bank Group)
IFP            ...    Instituto Francés del Petróleo (see ARPEL)
IGA            ...    International Grains Agreement (see IGC)
IGC            ...    International Grains Council
IIC            ...    Inter-American Investment Corporation (see IaDB)
IICA           ...    Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture
IICI           ...    International Institute of Intellectual Co-operation (see UNESCO)
ILO            ...    International Labour Organization
ILPES          ...    United Nations Latin American and Caribbean Institute for
                        Economic and Social Planning
ILZSG          ...    International Lead and Zinc Study Group
IMF            ...    International Monetary Fund
IMP            ...    Instituto Mexicano de Petróleo (see ARPEL)
INES           ...    International Nuclear Event Scale System (see IAEA)
INFOPESCA      ...    Center for Marketing Information and Advisory Services for
                        Fishery Products in Latin America and the Caribbean
INSG           ...    International Nickel Study Group (see Common Fund for Commodities)
INSDOC         ...    Indian Scientific Documentation Centre (see SAARC)
INTAL          ...    Institute for the Integration of Latin America and the Caribbean
IOOC           ...    International Olive Oil Council
IPA            ...    Integrated Programme of Action (see SAARC)
IRSG           ...    International Rubber Study Group
IRTI           ...    Islamic Research and Training Institute
ISA            ...    International Sugar Agreement (see ISO)
IsDB           ...    Islamic Development Bank Group
ISO            ...    International Sugar Organization
ITFO           ...    Import Trade Financing Operations (see IsDB)
ITTO           ...    International Tropical Timber Organization
ITU            ...    International Telecommunications Union
IWC            ...    International Wheat Council


JALDA          ...    Japan Agricultural Land Development Agncy (see NBA)
JSF            ...    Japan Special Fund (see AsDB)
JVI            ...    Joint Vienna Institute


KfW            ...    Kreditant für Wideraufbau (see EIF)


LARF           ...    Latin American Reserve Fund
LCBC           ...    Lake Chad Basin Commission
LIDER          ...    Integrated Laboratory on the Design of Regional Strategies
                        (see ILPES)
LTTFS          ...    Longer-Term Trade Financing Scheme (see IsDB)


MECAS          ...    Market Evaluation, Consumption and Statistics Committee (see ISO)
MERCOSUR       ...    Comisión Sectorial para el Mercado Común del Sur
                        (see Sectorial Commission for the Common Market of the South)
MIGA           ...    Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (World Bank Group)
MRC            ...    Mekong River Commission
MULPOC         ...    Multinational Programming and Operational Centre (see UNECA)


NatCAP         ...    National Technical Cooperation Assessments and Programmes
                        (see  UNDP)
NAOOA          ...    North American Olive Oil Association (see IOOC)
NCB            ...    National Central Banks (see ECB)
NDF            ...    Nordic Development Fund
NIB            ...    Nordic Investment Bank
NPT            ...    Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (see IAEA)
NTF            ...    Nigeria Trust Fund (see AfDB)


OACI           ...    l'Organisation de l'Aviation Civil Internationale (see ICAO)
OAPEC          ...    Organization of Arab Petroleum Exporting Countries
OAU            ...    Organization of African Unity
OCDE           ...    Organisation de Coopération et de développement économiques
                        (see OECD)
OEA            ...    Organization des Etats Américains (see OAS)
OECD           ...    Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
OEEC           ...    Organization for European Economic Cooperation (see OECD)
OECS           ...    Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States
OIBT           ...    Organisation Internationale des Bois Tropicaux (see ITTO)
OIC            ...    Organization of the Islamic Conference (see IsDB)
OIMT           ...    Organizatión Internacional de las Maderas Tropicales (see ITTO)
OIT            ...    Organisation internationale du travail; Organización Internacional
                        del Trabajo (see ILO)
OLADE          ...    Organización Latinoamericana de Energía
                        (see Latin American Energy Organization)
OMS            ...    Organisation Mondiale de la Santé (see WHO)
OPAS           ...    Organizaçao Pan-Americana da Saúde (see PAHO)
OPEC           ...    Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries
OPS            ...    Organisation Panaméricaine de la Santé; Organización Panamericana
                        de la Salud (see PAHO)
ORIT           ...    Inter-American Regional Organization (see ICFTU)
OSART          ...    Operational Safety Review Team (see IAEA)
OUA            ...    Organisation de l'Unité Africaine (see OAU)


PAHO           ...    Pan American Health Organization
PAM            ...    Programme alimentaire mondial (see WFP)
PBF            ...    Pacific Business Forum (see APEC)
PCJ            ...    Petroleum Corporation of Jamaica (see ARPEL)
PDVSA          ...    Petróleos de Venezuela (see ARPEL)
PEMEX          ...    Petróleos Mexicanos (see ARPEL)
PETROBRAS      ...    Petróleo Brasileiro (see ARPEL)
PETROECUADOR   ...    Petróleos del Ecuador (see ARPEL)
PETROPAR       ...    Petróleos Paraguayos (see ARPEL)
PETROPERU      ...    Petróleos del Perú (see ARPEL)
PETROTRIN      ...    Petroleum Company of Trinidad and Tobago (see ARPEL)
PMA            ...    Programa Mundial de Alimentos (see WFP)
PMC            ...    Post-Ministerial Conference (see ASEAN)
PNUD           ...    Programme des Nations Unies pour le développement; Programa
                        de las Naciones Unidas para el Desarrollo (see UNDP)
POC            ...    Postal Operations Council (see UPU)
PPA            ...    Programme for Public Administration (see Colombo Plan)
PPSD           ...    Programme for Private Sector Development (see Colombo Plan)
PTA            ...    Preferential Trade Area for Eastern and Southern Africa
                        (see COMESA)


RAO            ...    Regional Authorizing Officer (see South Pacific Forum Secretariat)
RCD            ...    Regional Cooperation for Development (see ECO)
RCP            ...    Regional Council for Planning (see ILPES)
RECAUCA        ...    Reglamento al Código Aduanero Centroamericano (see SIECA)
RECOPE         ...    Refinadora Costarricense de Petróleo (see ARPEL)
REMITRAM       ...    Meeting of Central American Transport Ministers (see SIECA)
REMO           ...    European Network of Olive Municipalities (see IOOC)


SAAFA          ...    Special Arab Aid Fund for Africa (see BADEA)
SAARC          ...    South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation
SADC           ...    South African Development Community
SAI            ...    Andean Integration System (see Andean Community General Secretariat)
SAIC           ...    SAARC Agriculture Information Centre (see SAARC)
SALB           ...    South American Leaf Blight (see ANRPC)
SAPTA          ...    SAARC Preferential Trade Arrangement (see SAARC)
SARC           ...    South Asian Regional Cooperation Countries (see SAARC)
SCCOPALC       ...    System of Co-operation and Co-ordination among Planning Bodies of
                        Latin America and the Caribbean (see ILPES)
SDR            ...    Special Drawing Right
SEACEN         ...    South-East Asian Central Banks
SELA           ...    Sistema Económico Latinoamericano (see Latin American
                        Economic System)
SEOM           ...    Senior Economic Officials (see ASEAN)
SFD            ...    Saudi Fund for Development
SIAP           ...    Statistical Institute for Asia and the Pacific
SIECA          ...    Secretariat for Central American Economic Integration
SIEE           ...    Energy-Economic Information System (see OLADE)
SIM            ...    MERCOSUR Information System
SME            ...    Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (See EIF)
SMRC           ...    SAARC Meterological Research Centre (see SAARC)
SOM            ...    Senior Officials Meetings (see APEC and ASEAN)
SPARTECA       ...    Guide for Forum Island experts to Australia and New Zealand
                        (see South Pacific Forum Secretariat)
SPEC           ...    South Pacific Bureau for Economic Co-operation  (see South Pacific
                        Forum Secretariat)
SPC            ...    Secretariat of the Pacific Community (formerly South Pacific
SPOCC          ...    South Pacific Organisations Co-ordinating Committee
                        (see South Pacific Forum Secretariat)
SRDC           ...    Sub-Regional Development Centre (see UNECA)
SSTC/DB        ...    South-South Technical Co-operation Data Base Programme
                        (see Colombo Plan)
STAATSOLIE     ...    State Oil Company Suriname, NV (see ARPEL)
STC            ...    SAARC Tuberculosis Centre (see SAARC)


TASF           ...    Technical Assistance Special Fund (see AsDB)
TDB            ...    Trade and Development Board (see UNCTAD)
TEN            ...    Trans-European Network (see EIF)
TEPCOW         ...    Technical Preparatory Committee of the Whole (see UNECA)
TRIPS          ...    Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (see WTO)
TUAC           ...    Trade Union Advisory Committee to the OECD


UAPTA          ...    Unit of Account of the PTA (see COMESA)
UDEAC          ...    Central African Customs and Economic Union (see CASDB)
UEMOA          ...    Union Economique et Monétaire Ouest Africaine (see West
                        Africa Economic and Monetary Union)
UIF            ...    Unit Investment Fund (see IsDB)
UMOA           ...    West African Monetary Union (see BOAD)
UNCDF          ...    United Nations Capital Development Fund (see UNDP)
UNCTAD         ...    United Nations Conference on Trade and Development
UNDP           ...    United Nations Development Programme
UNECA          ...    United Nations Economic Commission for Africa
UN/ECE         ...    United Nations Economic Commission for Europe
UN/EDIFACT     ...    Electronic Data Interchange for Administration, Commerce and
                        Transportation (see UN/ECE)
UNEP           ...    United Nations Environment Programme (see OECD)
UNESCO         ...    United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
UNFPA          ...    United Nations Population Fund (see ECO)
UNHCR          ...    United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (see OECD)
UNIDO          ...    United Nations Industrial Development Organization
UNIFEM         ...    United Nations Development Fund for Women (see UNDP)
UNISTAR        ...    United Nations International Short-Term Advisory Resources
                        (see UNDP)
UNPAAERD       ...    United Nations Programme of Action for Africa's Economic Recovery
                        and Development (see OAU)
UNSO           ...    United Nations Office to Combat Desertification and Drought
                        (see LCBC & UNDP)
UPU            ...    Universal Postal Union
UNV            ...    United Nations Volunteer Programme (see UNDP)


WAMI           ...    West African Monetary Institute (see ECOWAS)
WAICENT        ...    World Agricultural Information Centre (see FAO)
WFP            ...    World Food Programme
WHO            ...    World Health Organization
WISA           ...    West Indies Associated States Council of Ministers (see OECS)
WTO            ...    World Trade Organization


YPF            ...    Yacimientos Petrolíferos Fiscales (see ARPEL)
YPFB           ...    Yacimientos Petrolíferos Fiscales Bolivianos (see ARPEL)

Directory of Economic, Commodity and Development Organizations - table of contents