
Research at the IMF

IMF Seminars, Conferences and Workshops

When Institutions Are Weak: Strategies for Change
International Monetary Fund
Washington, D.C.
IMF Headquarters 1
Room B-702 (Blue level)
July 6-7, 2005

The Department for International Development (U.K.) and the Research Department of the International Monetary Fund sponsored a pre-conference on strategies for institutional change based on individual country experiences which will lead to a final conference on December 1 and 2. The pre-conference brought together leading scholars and practitioners working on these issues. The aim was to draw lessons from these experiences and how they can inform the role of the Fund in low-income countries. The case studies focused on low-income countries, particularly Africa but also South Asia and Latin America.

This pre-conference was open to invitees or World Bank and IMF employees only.

The section of the website relating to this Pre-Conference When Institutions Are Weak: Strategies for Change contains papers and web links considered at the conference. The views expressed in these papers are those of the authors only, and the presence of them, or of links to them, on the IMF website does not imply that the IMF, its Executive Board, or its management endorses or shares the views expressed in the papers.

July 6


08:30 – 09:00



09:00 – 09:15

Welcome Remarks
Raghuram Rajan, International Monetary Fund

09:15 – 10:15 Session I : Corruption in Indonesia

Raghuram Rajan,
International Monetary Fund


Ben Olken, Harvard University and National Bureau of Economic Research
Monitoring Corruption: Evidence from a Field Experiment in Indonesia, paper and presentation


Dan Citrin, International Monetary Fund
Tubagus Feridhanusetyewan, International Monetary Fund


10:15 – 11:15

Session II: Transparency in Managing Oil Revenues in Congo Brazzaville


Oya Celasun,
International Monetary Fund


Sarah Wykes, Global Witness


Anton Op de Bekke, International Monetary Fund


11:15 – 11:30

Coffee break


11:30 – 12:30

Session III: Transparency Matters: Initial Empirics and Policy Applications


Antonio Spilimbergo, International Monetary Fund


Daniel Kaufmann, World Bank


Caroline Atkinson, International Monetary Fund
Carol Graham, Brookings Institution



12:30 – 13:30



13:30 – 14:30

Session IV: Angola and Transparency in Oil Revenues

Roundtable discussion, chaired by Simon Johnson (International Monetary Fund), with John McMillan, Stanford University, Tim Harford, International Finance Corporation and Carlos Leite, International Monetary Fund
Angola: Selected Issues and Statistical Appendix



14:30 – 14:45 Coffee Break

14:45 – 15:45

Session V: The Political Economy of Institutional Reform for Growth and Poverty Reduction in Uganda, 1986-2004


Thierry Tressel, International Monetary Fund


Jonathan Di John, London School of Economics
Institutional Change for Growth and Poverty Reduction in Low Income Countries: The Case of Uganda


Jim Adams, World Bank
Steve Mugerwa, International Monetary Fund, IEO



July 7


08:45– 09:00



09:00 – 10:00

Session VI: Decentralization and Public Good Provision in India

Chair Tito Cordella, International Monetary Fund

Esther Duflo, Massachusetts Institute of Techonology
Efficiency and rent seeking in local government: Evidence from randomized policy experiments in India

Discussants Stuti Khemani, World Bank
Teresa Ter-Minassian, International Monetary Fund
10:00 – 11:00 Session VII: Customs Reform in the Philippines

Jonathan Ostry, International Monetary Fund


Dean Yang, University of Michigan
Integrity for Hire: An Analysis of a Widespread Program for Combating Customs Corruption
Can Enforcement Backfire? Crime Displacement in the Context of Customs Reform in the Philippines
Institutional Reform via Hired Integrity: Lessons from a Widespread Approach to Combating Customs Corruption


Howell H. Zee, International Monetary Fund
Luc de Wulf, World Bank


11:00– 11:15

Coffee break


11:15 – 12:15

Session VIII: Institutional Reform of the Health Delivery System in Cambodia


Arvind Subramanian, International Monetary Fund


Michael Kremer, Harvard University
Contracting for Health


Ruth Levine, Center for Global Development
Peter Heller, International Monetary Fund



12:15 – 13:30



13:30 – 14:30

Session IX: Transparency and Education in Sierra Leone


Alessandro Prati, International Monetary Fund


Rachel Glennerster, International Monetary Fund and Massachusetts Institute of Techonology


Halsey Rogers, World Bank
E. Jimenez, World Bank*

14:30 – 14:45 Coffee Break

14:45 – 15:45



Raghuram Rajan, International Monetary Fund


Ms. Krueger, International Monetary Fund
Simon Johnson, International Monetary Fund and Massachusetts Institute of Techonology
Max Everest-Phillips, DFID
Michael Kremer, Harvard University


1 For the final conference in December (1 and 2), 2005, there will be papers by Stephen Haber (Stanford University) on Banking Reform in Mexico and by Ted Miguel (University of California- Berkeley) on nation-building in Tanzania. Asterisk indicates that participation has not yet been confirmed.