International Monetary Fund

IMF Fellowship Program

Washington, DC - October 7, 2013

Call for Applications

The IMF invites applications for its Fellowship Program for 2014–15. The program supports policy-relevant research of interest to the international financial community.

IMF Fellows will spend the year working on mutually agreed topics that are relevant to the work of the IMF, hosted by the Research Department; Fellows will be expected to interact with staff in Research Department as well as other departments of the IMF. The work produced over the year can be disseminated through IMF Working Papers and other channels.

The IMF provides a unique environment for researchers interested in working on macroeconomic and financial issues. Given that the Fund closely monitors economic developments around the world, it has global networks that facilitate access to information, and a multidisciplinary, professional staff that provides the opportunity to collaborate with distinguished IMF Researchers on a topic of mutual interest.

Salary and other benefits are competitive, and include allowances for relocation and conference travel.

Fellows will be chosen through a competitive application process. Applicants are expected to have a distinguished publication record in leading journals and a strong interest in the policy-relevant work conducted at the IMF. Current areas of policy research include: unconventional monetary policies, macroprudential policies, capital flows, exchange rates, inequality, jobs and growth, fiscal policy and debt dynamics, external adjustment and global imbalances, and financial crises and early warning systems.

Applications should be sent no later than December 31, 2013 to and should consist of a CV, a 1–2 page outline of the proposed research project(s) to be carried out while at the IMF, and links to 1–2 research papers. The selection of 2014-15 Fellows will be announced by March 2014.

The IMF Fellowship Program was launched in 2011. The 2012-13 fellowship recipients are Olivier Coibion, Chris Erceg, and Sebnem Kalemli-Ozcan. 2013-14 fellowship recipients are Charles Calomiris, Anton Korinek, Andrew Levin, and Alberto Martin.

Questions regarding this program can be sent to

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Please submit your applications by December 31, 2013.