Poverty Reduction Strategy Papers (PRSP)
Memorandum to Members of the
International Monetary and Financial Committee and Members of the Development Committee
on Heavily Indebted Poor Countries Initiative and Poverty Reduction Strategy Papers
September 7, 2000
Key Features of IMF Poverty
Reduction and Growth Facility (PRGF) Supported Programs September 7, 2000
See also:
The IMF's Poverty Reduction and Growth Facility (PRGF)
Debt Relief Initiative and the IMF
Poverty Reduction Strategy Papers—Progress in

Prepared by the Staffs of the IMF and the World Bank
September 14, 2001
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- Introduction
- Current Status of I-PRSPs, Full PRSPs, and Annual PRSP Progress Reports
- Full PRSPs
- Annual PRSP Progress Reports
- Progress in Operationalizing the PRSP Approach
- Facilitating the PRSP Approach: Bank and Fund Support Guidance
on PRSP Preparation Status Reports
Multi-Donor Trust Fund
Learning Events and Information Resources
- Progress in Aligning Bank and Fund Assistance with Country Strategies
Poverty and Social Impact Analysis
Tracking of Poverty Reducing Expenditures
Bank-Fund Coordination in Program
Design and
Progress with Poverty Reduction Support
- Development Partners: Donor Support, Outreach and Feedback
- Donor Support and Aid Modalitiesv
- Outreach and FeedbackOutreach and Feedback
- The Review of the PRSP Approach
- Conclusion
Box 1: Status of I-PRSPs and PRSPs Discussed by Bank and Fund
Boards between
end-March 2001 and end-August 2001
Table 1. Possible Country Timelines for Interim Poverty Reduction
Strategy Papers (I-PRSPs), Poverty Reduction Strategy Papers
(PRSPs), Country Assistance Strategies (CAS), Poverty
Reduction and Growth Facility (PRGF), and HIPC Decision and
Completion Points in 2000
Table 2. Status of I-PRSPs and Full PRSPs Discussed by Bank and Fund
Boards Between December 1999 and August 2000
Annex 1. Guidelines for PRSP Preparation Status Reports and
Accompanying JSAs
Annex 2. Interim Guidelines for Poverty Reduction Support Credits
Annex 3. IMF and World Bank Outreach Events, April 2001-
September 2001 |