Technical Assistance Evaluation Program
Findings of Evaluations and Updated Program

Prepared by the Legal Department, the Monetary and Financial Systems Department, and the Office of Technical Assistance Management
(In consultation with other departments)

July 12, 2006

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Executive Summary

  1. Introduction
  2. Completed Evaluations—Findings
    1. Technical Assistance Provided by LEG Related to Strengthening the Commercial Court and the Implementation of the Bankruptcy Law in Indonesia
    2. Technical Assistance Provided by MFD to Sierra Leone
    3. Technical Assistance Provided by MFD to the Democratic Republic of the Congo
    4. Technical Assistance Provided by MFD to Bosnia and Herzegovina and Kosovo
  3. Evaluation Costs and Program for FY 2007–2009
  4. Operational Responses to Past Evaluations


1. Technical Assistance Evaluation Program—Completed Evaluations
2. Technical Assistance Evaluation Program—Planned Evaluations


1. The Technical Assistance Evaluation Program


1. Description of New Planned Evaluations