IMF Executive Board Integrates
the Offshore Financial Center Assessment Program with the FSAP — Public Information
July 9, 2008
Offshore Financial Centers -- The Assessment
Program — A Progress Report
February 8, 2006
Offshore Financial Centers -- The Assessment
Program — A Progress Report
February 25, 2005
Offshore Financial Centers
The Assessment Program—An Update
March 12, 2004
Public Information Notice: IMF Executive
Board Reviews the Assessment Program on Offshore Financial Centers
November 24, 2003
Offshore Financial Centers: The Assessment Program -
A Progress Report and the Future of the Program
July 31, 2003
Offshore Financial Center Program
A Progress Report
March 14, 2003
Offshore Financial Centers, The Assessment Program:
An Information Note
August 29, 2002
Offshore Financial Center Program:
A Progress Report
March 28, 2002
October 2002 Progress Report on the
Bank-Fund Financial Sector Liaison Committee (FSLC)
Publication of First IMF Staff Assessment
of an Offshore Financial Center Cyprus,
August 21, 2001
Offshore Financial Centers (OFCs):
Note for the IMF Executive Board
June 29, 2001
IMF Board Reviews Issues Surrounding Work
on Offshore Financial Centers
July 26, 2000
Offshore Financial Centers
The Role of the IMF
June 23, 2000
Offshore Financial Centers -- IMF
Background Paper
June 23, 2000
Standards and Codes
See Also:
Offshore Banking and Financial Centers
September 2001 Progress Report of the FSLC
September 27, 2001
Financial Soundness Indicators: Policy
June 4, 2001
Progress in Strengthening the Architecture
of the International Financial System


Past IMF Staff Assessments on
Offshore Financial Centers (OFCs)
Last Update:
October 03, 2019
On May 30, 2008, the Executive Board of the International Monetary Fund (IMF)
agreed to integrate the offshore financial center (OFC) assessment program with the
Financial Sector Assessment Program (FSAP). Since 2008, the IMF has not used or maintained the list of Offshore Financial Centers.
The OFC program, inaugurated in 2000, has helped to strengthen regulation and supervision, and to improve compliance with supervisory standards
in offshore jurisdictions. The integration of the program with the FSAP aims to (i) facilitate a more uniform and risk-based approach
to financial sector surveillance and improve coordination of Fund analysis across jurisdictions;
(ii) provide for a better allocation of Fund resources, with a specific focus on the small number of OFCs that account for the overwhelming volume
of offshore activity and could be expected to pose major financial system risks; and (iii) eliminate the need to maintain a
potentially discriminatory list of OFC jurisdictions.
This webpage lists the OFC assessments prior to the 2008 Board decision to integrate the OFC assessment program with the FSAP.
For further information on the OFC assessment program and the 2008 proposal for integration with the FSAP, please see the
detailed report and supplemtary information.
Past Offshore Financial Center Assessments
By Date
| A | B | C | G | I | J | L | M | N | P | S | T | V Andorra, Principality of
 Assessment of Financial Sector Supervision and Regulation - February 16, 2007 (582 k pdf file) Assessment of the Supervision and Regulation of the Financial Sector - August 31, 2002 (564 k pdf file)
Anguilla, United Kingdom-British Overseas Territory
 Assessment of the Supervision and Regulation of the Financial Sector---Review of Financial Sector Regulation and Supervision - October 30, 2003 (370 k pdf file)
Aruba, Kingdom of the Netherlands
 Offshore Financial Center Assessment - June 30, 2002 (6177 k pdf file)
Bahamas, The
 Assessment of the Supervision and Regulation of the Financial Sector--Review of Financial Sector Regulation and Supervision - April 30, 2004 (442 k pdf file)
 Assessment of the Supervision and Regulation of the Financial Sector--Review of Financial Sector Regulation and Supervision - August 30, 2004 (412 k pdf file)
 Assessment of the Supervision and Regulation of the Financial Sector - October 16, 2008 (866 k pdf file) Assessment of the Supervision and Regulation of the Financial Sector: Volume I--Review of Financial Sector Regulation and Supervision - January 30, 2005 (613 k pdf file) Assessment of the Supervision and Regulation of the Financial Sector: Volume II--Detailed Assessment of Observance of Standards and Codes - January 30, 2005 (1050 k pdf file)
British Virgin Islands, Overseas Territory of the United Kingdom
 Assessment of the Supervision and Regulation of the Financial Sector, Volume II: Detailed Assessment of Observance of Standards and Codes - February 28, 2004 (987 k pdf file) Assessment of the Supervision and Regulation of the Financial Sector, Volume I--Review of Financial Sector Regulation and Supervision - February 28, 2004 (442 k pdf file)
Cayman Islands
 Assessment of the Supervision and Regulation of the Financial Sector--Volume II--Detailed Assessment of Observance of Standards and Codes - March 11, 2005 (1179 k pdf file) Assessment of the Supervision and Regulation of the Financial Sector: Volume I--Review of Financial Sector Regulation and Supervision - March 11, 2005 (583 k pdf file)
Cook Islands
 Assessment of the Supervision and Regulation of the Financial Sector, Volume I--Review of Financial Sector Regulation and Supervision - October 30, 2004 (561 k pdf file) Assessment of the Supervision and Regulation of the Financial Sector, Volume II--Detailed Assessment of Observance of Standards and Codes - October 30, 2004 (876 k pdf file)
 Cyprus: Detailed Assessments of Observance of Standards and Codes for Banking Supervision, Insurance Supervision, and Securities Regulation - October 23, 2006 (962 k pdf file) Cyprus: Assessment of Financial Sector Supervision and Regulation, including Reports on the Observance of Standards and Codes on the following topics: Banking Supervision, Insurance Supervision, and Securities Regulation - October 10, 2006 (501 k pdf file) Cyprus -- Assessment of the Offshore Financial Sector
- July 30, 2001 (1006 k pdf file) Cyprus -- Assessment of Implementation of the Basel Core Principles for Effective Banking Supervision in Respect of the Offshore Sector - July 30, 2001 (949 k pdf file)
Gibraltar, Overseas Territory of the United Kingdom
 Assessment of Financial Sector Supervision and Regulation including Reports on the Observance of Standards and Codes on the following topics: Banking Supervision, Insurance Supervision, and Anti-Money Laundering and Combating the Financing of Terrorism - May 21, 2007 (428 k pdf file) Detailed Assessment Report of Observance of the Basel Core Principles - May 21, 2007 (340 k pdf file) Detailed Assessment Report of Observance of the Insurance Core Principles - May 21, 2007 (342 k pdf file) Detailed Assessment Report on Anti-Money Laundering and Combating the Financing of Terrorism - May 21, 2007 (1595 k pdf file) Gibraltar -- Assessment of the Regulation and Supervision of Financial Services - October 31, 2001 (558 k pdf file)
Guernsey, Crown Dependency of the United Kingdom
 Assessment of the Supervision and Regulation of the Financial Sector Volume I--Review of Financial Sector Regulation and Supervision - October 30, 2003 (466 k pdf file) Assessment of the Supervision and Regulation of the Financial Sector Volume II--Detailed Assessment of Observance of Standards and Codes - October 30, 2003 (1380 k pdf file)
Isle of Man, Crown Dependency of the United Kingdom
 Assessment of the Supervision and Regulation of the Financial Sector Volume I--Review of Financial Sector Regulation and Supervision - October 30, 2003 (456 k pdf file) Assessment of the Supervision and Regulation of the Financial Sector Volume II--Detailed Assessment of Observance of Standards and Codes - October 30, 2003 (1125 k pdf file)
Jersey, Crown Dependency of the United Kingdom
 Assessment of the Supervision and Regulation of the Financial Sector Volume I--Review of Financial Sector Regulation and Supervision - October 30, 2003 (500 k pdf file) Assessment of the Supervision and Regulation of the Financial Sector Volume II--Detailed Assessment of Observance of Standards and Codes - October 30, 2003 (1396 k pdf file)
Liechtenstein, Principality of
 Assessment of the Supervision and Regulation of the Financial Sector Volume I--Review of Financial Sector Regulation and Supervision - August 01, 2003 (417 k pdf file) Assessment of the Supervision and Regulation of the Financial Sector Volume II--Detailed Assessment of Observance of Standards and Codes - August 01, 2003 (980 k pdf file)
Macao Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China
 Assessment of the Regulation and Supervision of the Financial Sector - August 31, 2002 (927 k pdf file)
 Labuan, Malaysia: Assessment of the Supervision and Regulation of the Financial Sector-Review of Financial Sector Regulation and Supervision - July 30, 2004 (312 k pdf file)
 Assessment of the Supervision and Regulation of the Financial Sector Volume I--Review of Financial Sector Regulation and Supervision - May 30, 2003 (428 k pdf file) Assessment of the Supervision and Regulation of the Financial Sector Volume II--Detailed Assessment of Observance of Standards and Codes - May 30, 2003 (610 k pdf file)
Montserrat, United Kingdom-British Overseas Territory
 Assessment of the Supervision and Regulation of the Financial Sector---Review of Financial Sector Regulation and Supervision - October 30, 2003 (335 k pdf file)
Netherlands Antilles, Kingdom of the Netherlands
 Assessment of the Supervision and Regulation of the Financial Sector Volume I--Review of Financial Sector Regulation and Supervision - August 26, 2004 (503 k pdf file) Assessment of the Supervision and Regulation of the Financial Sector Volume II-- Detailed Assessment of Observance of Standards and Codes - August 26, 2004 (981 k pdf file)
Palau, Republic of
 Assessment of the Supervision and Regulation of the Financial Sector--Volume II: Detailed Assessment of Observance of Standards and Codes - June 23, 2004 (559 k pdf file) Assessment of the Supervision and Regulation of the Financial Sector--Volume I-Review of Financial Sector Regulation and Supervision - June 23, 2004 (369 k pdf file)
 Assessment of Financial Sector Supervision and Regulation, including Reports on the Observance of Standards and Codes on the following topics: Banking Supervision, Insurance Supervision, and Securities Regulation - February 15, 2007 (442 k pdf file) Detailed Assessments of Observance of Standards and Codes for Banking Supervision, Insurance Supervision, and Securities Regulation - February 15, 2007 (437 k pdf file) Banking Sector Assessment, August 2001 - August 31, 2001 (852 k pdf file)
 Assessment of Financial Sector Supervision and Regulation including Report on the Observance of Standards and Codes on Banking Supervision - June 29, 2007 (312 k pdf file) Detailed Assessment of Compliance with the Basel Core Principles for Effective Banking Supervision - June 29, 2007 (488 k pdf file) Assessment of the Supervision and Regulation of the Financial Sector-Review of Financial Sector Regulation and Supervision - June 24, 2004 (493 k pdf file)
 Assessment of the Supervision and Regulation of the Financial Sector--Review of Financial Sector Regulation and Supervision - October 30, 2004 (300 k pdf file)
Turks and Caicos Islands
 Assessment of the Supervision and Regulation of the Financial Sector--Review of Financial Sector Regulation and Supervision - August 31, 2004 (554 k pdf file)
 Assessment of the Supervision and Regulation of the Financial Sector Volume I--Review of Financial Sector Regulation and Supervision - July 30, 2003 (723 k pdf file) Assessment of the Supervision and Regulation of the Financial Sector Volume II--Detailed Assessment of Observance of Standard and Codes - July 30, 2003 (625 k pdf file)
On this site, the term "country" does not in all cases refer to a territorial entity that is a state as understood by international law and practice. As used here, the term also covers some territorial entities that are not states. Dependent territories of member countries are listed alphabetically followed by a description of the constitutional relationships with their member countries.