Amendments to the Guidelines
for Public Debt Management
November 25, 2003
Guidelines for
Public Debt Management
March 21, 2001
Guidelines for Public Debt Management: Accompanying Document
Code of Good Practices on Transparency in
Monetary and Financial Policies
IMF Publications on public
Guidelines for Public Debt Management -- Amended

Prepared by the Staffs of the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank

Amended on December 9, 2003
the free Adobe Acrobat Reader to view the full text (283k PDF file)
- What is Public Debt Management and Why is it Important?
- Purpose of the Guidelines
- Summary of the Debt Management Guidelines
- Debt Management Objectives and Coordination
- Transparency and Accountability
- Institutional Framework
- Debt Management Strategy
- Risk Management Framework
- Development and Maintenance of an Efficient Market for Government Securities
- Discussion of the Guidelines
- Debt Management Objectives and Coordination
- Transparency and Accountability
- Institutional Framework
- Debt Management Strategy
- Risk Management Framework
- Development and Maintenance of an Efficient Market for Government Securities
- Risks Encountered in Sovereign Debt Management
- Collective Action Clauses
- Some Pitfalls in Debt Management
- Asset and Liability Management
- Overview of Indicators of External Vulnerability
- Relevant Conditions for Developing an Efficient Government Securities Market