The following item is a Letter of Intent of the government of
Indonesia, which describes
the policies that Indonesia intends to implement in the context of its
request for financial support
from the IMF. The document, which is the property of Indonesia, is being
made available on the
IMF website by agreement with the member as a service to users of the IMF website. |
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Jakarta, Indonesia
March 16, 1999
Mr. Michel Camdessus
Managing Director
International Monetary Fund
Washington, D.C. 20431
Dear Mr. Camdessus:
Steady progress continues to be made in implementing the Government of Indonesia's economic
program, supported under an extended arrangement from the Fund, and set out in the Memorandum
of Economic and Financial Policies (MEFP) of July 29 and in the Supplementary Memoranda of
September 11, October 19, and November 13, 1998. We have taken a number of additional steps to
strengthen the program, especially banking system and corporate restructuring, described in the
attached Supplementary MEFP.
We met the performance criteria for end-December 1998 for net domestic assets of Bank Indonesia,
overall central government balance, net international reserves of Bank Indonesia, the contracting of
new external debt with an original maturity greater than one year, and the stock of short-term
external debt. We met the indicative targets for end-January 1999 and end-February 1999 for net
domestic assets and net international reserves. The end-January target for the central government
balance was also met; data for end-February are not yet available.
We request a waiver for the nonobservance of the structural performance criterion to reduce the
export tax on logs and sawn timber to 20 percent at end-December 1998. This measure has now
been implemented.
We have set end-March and end-May performance criteria for the full set of monetary, fiscal and
external variables, and indicative targets for the rest of 1999/2000. We have also set key structural
performance criteria and benchmarks through September 1999.
We request that the arrangement be augmented by the equivalent of SDR 714 million and that the
purchases scheduled through end-1999 be rephased and would consequently be subject to reviews to
be completed by May 15, 1999, July 15, 1999, September 15, 1999, and November 15, 1999.
We believe that the policies set forth in the attached MEFP are adequate to achieve the objectives of
the program, and will take any additional measures necessary for this purpose. During the remaining
period of the arrangement, the authorities of Indonesia will maintain close contact with the Fund and
will consult on the adoption of any measures that may be needed in accordance with the Fund's
practices on such consultations. We will also provide the Fund with such information as it requests
on policy implementation and achievement of program objectives.
Sincerely yours,
For the Government of Indonesia,
Ginandjar Kartasasmita
State Coordinating Minister
For Economy, Finance, and Industry
Jakarta, Indonesia
March 16, 1999
Supplementary Memorandum of Economic and Financial Policies
Fourth Review Under the Extended Arrangement
- Progress continues to be made in implementing the Government of Indonesia's
economic program, despite difficult domestic and external conditions. The recent
volatility in the rupiah has underscored the fragility of the economic situation and the
imperative of adapting the program to consolidate the stabilization gains already
achieved. At this review, the government has developed a macroeconomic framework
for 1999/2000, and bank resolution and corporate restructuring policies have been
strengthened (see Boxes 1 and 2); policy actions also continue to be guided by the
matrix shown in the November 1998 MEFP. The program continues to be developed
in consultation with the IMF, World Bank, and the Asian Development Bank (AsDB).
- The macroeconomic targets of the program for 1998/99 remain within reach. The
decline in real GDP is still estimated at 16 percent, while average inflation should be
contained at about 66 percent, close to the program projection. Despite the recent
depreciation of the rupiah, we expect that the average exchange rate for 1998/99 will
be more appreciated than the original assumption under the program (Rp 10,600 to
the U.S. dollar). The restoration of gross official reserves has proceeded somewhat
better than earlier projected. These achievements are testimony to the resolute
implementation of macroeconomic policies, although a number of constraints will
contain the budget deficit well below the program target (paragraph 8).
- Careful management of the rice situation, along with the improved macroeconomic
environment, has contributed to lower retail and wholesale prices for rice. Public
stocks of rice are adequate, and will be boosted by contracted import deliveries.
Related policy initiatives agreed with the World Bank include: (i) the recent
elimination of BULOG's exchange rate subsidy for imports of rice; (ii) a public
procurement floor price policy that will aim at keeping domestic rice prices broadly in
line with world prices; and (iii) the unhindered import of rice by the private sector.
Most eligible families (7-8 million) benefited immediately from the decision to
double the subsidized rice ration with effect from December 1, 1998.
- The social impact of Indonesia's crisis is serious and of great concern. Recent
evidence points to the increase in poverty being more unevenly spread by region and
income level than previously assessed. Urban areas, especially in Java, have been the
worst hit. Those with less linkages to the formal economy, in the outer islands, or
involved with the production of export commodities have experienced less adverse
effects. While most of Indonesia's workforce is still engaged in agriculture, and many
more have been absorbed in the informal sector since the crisis began, formal urban
employment has fallen considerably, accompanied by substantial declines in real
Output, Prices, and Balance of Payments
- The key objectives of the 1999/2000 macroeconomic framework are as follows:
- Our central projection is for real GDP in 1999/2000 to be about unchanged,
based on the expectation that the economy will bottom during the first half of the fiscal year,
and that a modest recovery will begin thereafter.
- Average inflation is expected to be contained in the 15-20 percent range
during 1999/2000, with a monthly inflation rate of under 1 percent in the last quarter of the
fiscal year.
- The balance of payments is also anticipated to improve steadily. Export
volume growth should contribute to a somewhat larger external trade surplus in 1999/2000.
In addition, external financing from bilateral and multilateral sources for the budgetary
program is expected to remain strong. Gross external reserves are expected to increase to a
more comfortable level of about $29 billion.
- In support of the above objectives, we also expect that an agreement with
external private creditors will be reached on a second interbank exchange offer to cover
maturities falling due in 1999/2000. To this end, a meeting of the Steering Committee is
expected to be held in the coming weeks.
However, a number of domestic and external risks apply to this outlook, and the
macroeconomic framework will need to be reviewed regularly to ensure that policies remain
consistent as the outlook evolves.
Monetary and Exchange Rate Policy
- Maintaining market confidence in the economic program and, in particular, in the
demand for domestic financial assets is crucial to delivering the above
macroeconomic objectives. We reaffirm our commitment to keep base money firmly
under control so as to stabilize prices and reduce volatility in the exchange rate. The
level of the exchange rate will remain market determined.
- Thus, we have reviewed and adjusted the monetary program. For the period
immediately ahead, and until there is more evidence of stabilization, monetary policy
will be guided by a very cautious assessment of money demand. Base money, which
rose in late February because of uncertainty regarding the bank restructuring process,
is being brought down, and we expect base money to be within Rp 74.5 trillion by
March 31, 1999, somewhat lower than the original base money indicative target
(Table 1). This adjusted monetary program has already resulted in some firming of
interest rates and is expected to contribute directly to an appreciation of the rupiah
toward the assumption incorporated in the 1999/2000 budget. Beyond that, the
1999/2000 monetary program allows base money expansion of about 14 percent and
accommodates some recovery in the demand for money during the fiscal year, as
confidence in the currency and the banking system return (Table 2).
Fiscal Policy, Development Spending, and Social Safety Net
Fiscal policy became expansionary in the second half of 1998/99, primarily because
of higher social expenditures. However, the overall growth in spending is much less
than expected, slowed by efforts to strengthen monitoring, limit leakages, and ensure
accountability; official external financing has also fallen below program projections.
In addition, interest outlays on bank restructuring will be less than budgeted, mainly
because of delays in issuing bonds. Toward reducing untargeted subsidies, fertilizer
subsidies were eliminated effective December 1, 1998; electricity tariffs to 55,000
large household users were increased by about 40 percent in December 1998; and
aviation fuel subsidies were eliminated on February 1, 1999. These factors more than
offset the lower-than-expected receipts from the privatization program
(paragraph 16), and the loss of revenue from the reduction in the palm oil export tax
(effective February 1, 1999) to a range of 15-40 percent for different products (from
35-60 percent). The overall budget deficit is now forecast to be about 4 percent of
GDP, well below the program target of 8.5 percent of GDP.
The 1999/2000 budget, which has now been approved by Parliament, has four main
objectives. First, it incorporates a high-quality targeted fiscal stimulus to support
demand, especially through higher development spending. Second, steps are being
initiated to rebuild the revenue base over the medium term. Third, gross interest costs
of bank restructuring of about 3 percent of GDP have been incorporated in the budget.
Fourth, the traditional principle of avoiding domestic bank financing for regular
budgetary operations will be maintained, if necessary, by invoking contingency
measures. Government bonds will be issued only for bank recapitalization.
The overall budget deficit is projected at nearly 6 percent of GDP in 1999/2000. This
assumes that the exchange rate averages Rp 7,500 per dollar and depends on realizing
privatization proceeds of Rp 13 trillion. The deficit is expected to be financed from
external sources and bank asset recoveries of Rp 17 trillion. The underlying revenue
situation has become more difficult, and is now a source of considerable concern,
beyond its cyclical decline related to weak world prices and the weak state of the
economy. As a first step to rebuilding the revenue base, we have appointed an inter-departmental task force to report within two months on the efficacy of all existing and
recently announced tax incentives. This study is being undertaken with the assistance
of the IMF. Until this study is available, we will not introduce any additional tax
incentives. A new tax administration program will be adopted during 1999 with IMF
technical assistance, including the strengthening of audits, better control of large tax
payers, and improvements in import processing procedures.
Development spending is projected at 5 percent of GDP in 1999/2000, about one
percentage point more than the expected outcome for this year. Emphasis has been
placed on efficient social safety net programs, and details are under discussion with
the World Bank in the context of a proposed safety net adjustment loan. Expenditures
in the first quarter of the fiscal year will be boosted by administrative steps already
taken to extend into the new fiscal year spending authority on undisbursed
expenditure allocations for social safety net programs from 1998/99. Care has been
taken to exclude large capital-intensive and import-intensive public investment. We
have ensured adequate funding for the most successful and cost-effective programs,
including stay-in-school, supplementary school feeding and nonformal education. A
five-point program will be adopted to improve the design, implementation and
monitoring of the social safety net by (i) adjusting the geographic targeting of
expenditure in light of new information on the differing regional effects of the crisis;
(ii) transferring responsibility for most key safety net programs to local communities;
(iii) ensuring the cost effectiveness of programs; (iv) launching adequately funded
monitoring campaigns for all key programs; and (v) strengthening high-level,
independent monitoring and implementation involving representatives of civil
We do not expect that a formal mechanism for the regular adjustment of administered
prices, including fuel and electricity, will be in place as previously envisaged by April
1, 1999, although we remain committed to such an approach over the longer term. In
the meantime, through regular ministerial level reviews, we will minimize
differentials with world market prices by more frequent adjustments on an ad-hoc
basis. Meanwhile, untargeted fuel, electricity and interest rate subsidies are budgeted
at less than 2 percent of GDP in 1999/2000.
The budgetary framework for 1999/2000 is critically dependent on the timely
availability of external financing. The framework anticipates additional official
external support of about $5 billion, in addition to the project aid that is already
committed, as well as implementation of the restructuring agreement with official
creditors. We are confident that the full amount of official external financing will be
available for the fiscal year as a whole.
A number of risks apply to the budgetary framework. The revenue and expenditure
situation will need to be monitored very closely in light of developments in the real
economy and external financing. Additional measures to raise revenue and reduce
expenditure (excluding social sector spending) will be taken, if necessary, to adhere to
the announced framework. Possible revenue measures include higher excise taxes on
selected commodities, reductions in import duty and other tax exemptions, and a
wider coverage of VAT. These measures could raise full-year revenue by about 1-1 ½
percent of GDP. Possible expenditure reduction measures could include untargeted
Fiscal and administrative decentralization pressures have also increased as part of the
ongoing political transition. While essential to meet the legitimate demands of
regional governments for greater control over financing and expenditure
responsibilities, such decentralization will be implemented without endangering the
macroeconomic framework. Fiscal decentralization legislation that is now in
Parliament has been coordinated closely with the IMF and the World Bank. This
legislation recognizes the importance of careful sequencing of decentralization
reforms, with administrative decentralization and expenditure assignments preceding
the revenue assignments.
The privatization program has fallen behind schedule this year, principally because
market conditions remain unfavorable. We have so far concluded two transactions
totaling close to $200 million in the current fiscal year, through the sale of shares in a
cement producer and a food processing company. We have made intensive efforts to
divest, by end-March 1999, majority interests in a Jakarta container terminal
concession company, and minority interests in the Jakarta airport concession
company, the largest palm plantation company in Indonesia, and further shares in
international telecommunication and mining companies, consistent with the target of
$1 billion for the year. The key to this is the sale of further shares in the international
telecommunication concern. However, delays have been experienced because policies
concerning future market structure, cross-ownership, and regulation still need to be
decided and the operator license finalized; this is planned for completion in the next
1-2 months.
The privatization program for 1999/2000 is based on the recently published Master
Plan which outlines the program and processes for the divestiture of all of the present
150 state enterprises over the medium term, except for a specified short list. Targeted
receipts from privatization are the equivalent of $1.5 billion or 1 percent of GDP in
the next fiscal year. The list of individual enterprises gives priority to those originally
planned for privatization this fiscal year. In total, it is intended to sell stakes in 11
enterprises including toll roads, the Bali airport, ports, the domestic
telecommunication concern, fertilizer and cement producers, a steel company, and
plantations, in addition to privatizing several small enterprises.
The Government has already clarified that strategic foreign investors are permitted to
secure management control, even in cases where the sale of equity investment to
foreigners in state enterprises is limited to less than 49 percent. There is no legal limit
to foreign equity investment and we will generally be prepared to allow majority
interests, unless strategic or national security interests are involved.
The Government engaged international accounting firms in December 1998 to
undertake special audits of Pertamina, PLN, and BULOG focusing on assessing the
efficiency of operations, capital budgeting and financing, and on identifying possible
fraudulent and corrupt practices. These audits cover the five-year period 1994 to 1998
for Pertamina and PLN and 1993/94 to 1997/98 for BULOG. Work is expected to be
completed as agreed by end-June 1999. A special audit is also being commissioned
for the Reforestation Fund, jointly with an international accounting firm, and will be
completed by end-June 1999. The future role of the Reforestation Fund is currently
under review and will be determined shortly in consultation with the World Bank. In
future, we also intend to subject all enterprises scheduled for privatization in the
Master Plan to financial compliance audits of international standards so as to improve
credibility and investor confidence and, thereby, enhance sale values. Where
considered appropriate, additional special audits may also be commissioned.
The Government intends to restructure the power sector to improve efficiency and
reduce the fiscal burden. With the support of the World Bank and AsDB, the
government will (i) establish the legal and regulatory framework to create a
competitive electricity market; (ii) restructure the organization of PLN; (iii) adjust
electricity tariffs; and (iv) rationalize power purchases from private sector power
projects. The government has commenced renegotiations with independent power
producers; will initiate the organizational restructuring of PLN by June 1999; and will
enact a new Electricity Law by December 1999.
- Banking reforms have entered a decisive stage. The resolution strategy has been
elaborated, and implementation is moving ahead, in all the four major areas: (i) state
bank resolution; (ii) private bank recapitalization; (iii) resolution of banks under
IBRA control; and (iv) improvement of the legal, regulatory, and supervisory
framework. The strategic objectives are contained in Box 1, and structural
benchmarks are shown in Table 3. Overall responsibility rests with the inter-ministerial Financial Sector Action Committee, which will meet as frequently as
necessary to monitor progress in line with the commitments of this memorandum.
State Bank Resolution
- We have agreed on the following principles for state bank resolution: (i) the
capitalization of Bank Mandiri and the recapitalization of the other state banks will
follow operational restructuring, namely, the implementation of decisions regarding
downsizing staff, branches, and functions, and the intensification of asset collection;
(ii) clear deadlines will be set for key elements of restructuring and asset recovery so
that capitalization or recapitalization can proceed in step with compliance with the
deadlines; and (iii) actions for asset recovery are being intensified against the largest
delinquent borrowers.
- On the basis of these principles, the framework for the resolution of four previously
separate state banks (Bapindo, Bumi Daya, BDN and EXIM) and the creation of Bank
Mandiri (expected to comprise 30 percent of banking system deposits) has been
finalized. It provides for the phased capitalization of Bank Mandiri, beginning in May
1999, and to be completed as far as possible by end-December 1999 and no later than
March 2000 (consistent with the budgetary framework). Capitalization will be in step
with the resolution and integration of the four component banks, and after finalizing
decisions regarding staff and branch rationalization, and making substantial progress
toward their implementation. Thus, Bank Mandiri will be kept solvent and profitable
at all times. Unresolved branches and staff will be retained in their parent banks until
their resolution can be completed. The eventual merger of Mandiri and the four
component banks will be at the end of the process, expected no later than March
2000, after redundant staff and branches have been separated from the component
banks. All aspects of the resolution and integration process are being designed and
implemented with the assistance of a major international bank under a letter of
engagement with the government of Indonesia.
- As part of the Bank Mandiri restructuring process, portfolio reviews of the four banks
have been completed. The loss loans of the four component banks will be transferred
to the Asset Management Unit (AMU), and their non-loss nonperforming corporate
loans will be sold to the AMU at net book value, by March 31, 1999. It is anticipated
that the non-loss loans will be collected by Bank Mandiri under a servicing contract.
Corporate performing loans will be transferred to Mandiri by May 1999. Deposits and
other performing loans of the four banks will be transferred to Bank Mandiri after
operational restructuring of the four component banks has been completed (as far as
possible by December 1999 and no later than March 2000). A voluntary redundancy
and severance plan has been presented to the staff of the component banks with the
aim of completing the phased downsizing of staff by December 1999, in line with the
integration of the four banks. Meanwhile, centralized control over the treasury
operations and credit functions of the four banks, particularly over all new lending
and work-outs of existing loans, is expected to be achieved by end-May 1999; the
new management structure is already operational.
- Three additional state banks await restructuring: BNI, BRI, and BTN. We have
already established an inter-departmental planning committee (including Bank
Indonesia) to prepare a detailed blueprint, on the basis of the above principles, and
with the assistance of international consultants. A comprehensive restructuring plan
for each bank will be prepared by March 31, 1999, for consultation with the IMF and
the World Bank, and will be publicly announced in April. Loss loans will be
transferred to the AMU by March 31, 1999. We will take all necessary steps to
facilitate restructuring. Our strategic objective is to complete the restructuring of the
banks by September 30, 1999. Recapitalization will be phased, and only take place
after implementation of the agreed restructuring programs.
- As indicated above, debt recovery efforts are being intensified. In particular, each
state bank (including banks and assets controlled by IBRA) has targeted its 20 largest
delinquent corporate borrowers for loan recovery, restructuring, or bankruptcy filing.
This effort will be facilitated by the earliest transfer of loss loans to IBRA's AMU,
and this transfer will be completed by March 31, 1999 for the four component banks
of Bank Mandiri. Bankruptcy filings will take place by April 30, 1999 against
recalcitrant debtors (paragraph 40). The process of debt recovery will be carried out
with full transparency.
Private Bank Restructuring
- We have announced on March 13, 1999 which private banks qualify for
recapitalization in line with the previously approved government program. These
banks could contribute to retaining an element of private ownership and management
in the banking system. We have maintained transparency in the private bank
recapitalization program by reaching recapitalization decisions on the basis of pre-specified criteria, and have required unanimity in the three interagency committees
responsible for the evaluations (each including Bank Indonesia, Ministry of Finance,
and IBRA). The interagency committees and the Financial Sector Action Committee
consulted closely with the IMF, World Bank, and AsDB throughout the process.
- We have determined that 73 A category private domestic banks (i.e., with capital
adequacy ratios (CARs) above 4 percent), comprising about 5 percent of bank
deposits, have no need to participate in this program. The evaluation committees have
unanimously verified the cash injections in those banks that have needed new capital
in order to be classified in the A category, and have made an initial determination of
these banks' compliance with the fit and proper test for owners and managers. All A
category banks will be subjected to comprehensive review of business plans (as was
done for the B category banks), audits of the additional capital injections, and the fit
and proper test by April 21, 1999, to confirm their eligibility to A category status.
Thereafter, there will be regular six-month reviews of all banks to ensure their
continued compliance with the highest prudential standards, using audits by
international accounting firms for the foreign exchange banks.
- Business plans for all 38 B category banks (those with CARs below 4 percent but
above minus 25 percent) were reviewed and the eligibility for recapitalization of 9
banks, comprising about 12 percent of bank deposits, was approved unanimously by
the interagency evaluation committees. The successful B category banks will need to
provide their share of new capital in cash from unborrowed resources, in the case of
listed banks after shareholders' meetings. In this way, all necessary audits and the
investment contracts for the 9 banks will be completed by mid-May 1999 and the
banks fully recapitalized by June 30, 1999. We have issued the necessary decrees
regarding the government's share of the banks' recapitalization and will specify the
terms and conditions for the issuance of government bonds by March 25, 1999. The
government's stake will be in the form of common stock; however, written contracts
with each bank will ensure that the government's role will be limited to strategic
decisions, will provide the private bank owners with full autonomy for all business
decisions, and that the private owners will have the first right to buy back the shares
within a three-year period (Box 2). Bank Indonesia has established procedures to
ensure full compliance with the banks' commitments under their business plans and
investment contracts, including settlement of all excess connected lending in line with
the prudential norms on connected lending. If a bank fails to comply with its
commitments, the government may exercise full ownership rights.
- Seven B category banks have been taken over by IBRA and will be restructured
quickly to minimize the public cost of their resolution. Although these banks did not
qualify for the recapitalization program, the public interest favored their being kept
open and restructured in light of their large depositor base (over 80,000 accounts,
amounting to 2 ½ percent of bank deposits) and to minimize the disruption of banking
services. However, their owners' right have effectively been fully revoked and their
managements will be reviewed and replaced as judged necessary by IBRA; previous
owners will still need to reach settlements with IBRA on connected lending
- Twenty-one B category banks and all 17 C category banks with a total of about
5 percent of bank deposits, which did not qualify for participation in the
recapitalization program, or meet the public interest need for takeover, have been
closed, effective March 13, 1999. We have taken all possible arrangements to avoid
any disruption to depositors in these banks who have been fully protected through the
transfer of their deposits to designated banks. Previous owners of these banks are
required to reach settlements with IBRA on connected lending. Finally, a decision
regarding one bank is still pending verification of its ownership status and will be
settled within one week.
IBRA-Related Restructuring
- Obstacles that have delayed the liquidation process for the 10 banks frozen in April
and August 1998 have been resolved. The government has issued the necessary bonds
to BI related to previous BI liquidity support to these banks, and promulgated the
implementing regulations to the Banking Law, notably those relating to the
establishment of IBRA. These actions were needed to complete the transfer to the
AMU of the assets of the ten banks. For those banks not listed on the stock exchange,
Bank Indonesia has revoked the licenses, and the banks are being liquidated. For the
banks that were publicly traded, a formal request for delisting will be made by
March 25 prior to liquidation of the banks, and after the necessary shareholder
meetings. IBRA's AMU has finalized plans for managing its assets, to maximize
recovery. We will ensure that the AMU is fully financed at all times.
- The restructuring of the four remaining functioning banks taken over by IBRA in
1998--BCA, Danamon, Tiara Asia, and PDFCI--is the next major task for IBRA.
Their restructuring plans will be prepared by March 31, 1999, with the assistance of
international banks or international financial advisors, for discussion with the World
Bank and the IMF. In the case of BCA, we have already strengthened its management,
and anticipate private participation in its ownership structure over the course of 1999.
Bank Danamon is being downsized and restructured, and prepared for early
privatization. In line with earlier announcements, Bank Tiara and PDFCI will be sold
by April 30, 1999, or merged with Bank Danamon.
- The holding company structure for receiving assets from the former owners of
10 banks closed or taken over by IBRA in settlement of their obligations to the
government arising out of liquidity support and connected lending has been
established. The assets received from the former owners of six (BCA, BDNI,
Danamon, BUN, Subentra, and Surya) out of the 10 banks where irregularities have
been discovered so far are being transferred to their respective holding companies,
and the process will be completed by June 30, 1999. The prospective settlement in the
case of one other bank is expected shortly, pending resolution of some technical
issues. In cases where the government has been unable to reach agreement on
settlement terms, the government will prosecute the former owners involved in
irregular practices.
Legal, Regulatory, and Supervisory Framework
- We recognize that the legal, regulatory, and supervisory framework needs to be
substantially reformed to establish the strongest possible basis for the emergence of a
sound banking system. The Central Bank Law has been submitted to Parliament and
is expected to be passed by mid-April 1999, and eight prudential regulations have
been issued as previously envisaged. All of these have been reviewed by the IMF, the
World Bank, and the Asian Development Bank.
- The implementing regulations to the banking law amendments clarifying that all legal
and administrative restrictions to the entry of foreign investment into the banking
system have been removed, will be issued by March 25, 1999, after consultation with
the international finance institutions. It has been confirmed that BAPEPAM (the
capital market supervisory agency) regulations are not in conflict with the banking
law amendments on this issue. In August 1998, BAPEPAM issued a regulation
permitting the use of non-rights issues (direct placements) for raising capital under
certain specified conditions. It has been confirmed that this regulation remains
available for those banks participating in the recapitalization program to undertake a
capital increase without giving pre-emptive rights to shareholders; this should
facilitate recapitalization by outside investors in the present bank restructuring.
- Notwithstanding progress achieved so far, a second phase of review of the financial
and regulatory framework is planned. In the light of experience, we are prepared to
make any additional modifications that may be needed, specifically to ensure the full
effective functions of IBRA to which the Government is firmly committed, and to
modify the confiscatory provisions presently in the Banking Law. We will conduct an
assessment of the framework with IMF and World Bank assistance, by June 30, 1999.
- Corporate restructuring and banking reform are interdependent; a strengthened
corporate sector will also help reverse continuing negative spreads experienced by
most banks. Further progress has been made in implementing the Jakarta Initiative.
Over 125 companies are now seeking assistance from the Jakarta Initiative Task Force
in the context of $17.5 billion of foreign currency debt and Rp 7.8 trillion in domestic
currency debt. These firms employ approximately 220,000 people. Under the Jakarta
Initiative, 15 companies have reached some form of arrangement with their creditors,
addressing about $2.0 billion in foreign currency debt and Rp 600 billion in domestic
currency debt. These firms employ about 17,000 people. One large company has
reached an agreement in principle with its creditor committee. Several debt
restructuring deals involving small and medium enterprises have been completed, and
AsDB assistance will be provided to help with future similar deals. Other deals are
expected in the coming months as a wide range of companies try to benefit from the
INDRA scheme. The government has provided the rupiah equivalent of $3.5 million
in start-up, counterpart funds, enabling the Jakarta Initiative Task Force's staffing
situation to improve significantly. The corporate restructuring framework is being
strengthened further with the support of a $2 million advance on a World Bank
technical assistance loan that has been submitted for World Bank board approval.
Additional steps have been taken to ensure efficient project management and smooth
implementation of the technical assistance loan in accordance with World Bank
procurement procedures. The Indonesian Private Sector Debt Settlement Team has
overall coordinating authority for INDRA, the Jakarta Initiative Task Force, and Bank
Indonesia in addressing the restructuring of private corporate sector debt. Although
closely coordinated each of these programs are independently accessible to creditors
and debtors, foreign and domestic, on a voluntary and individual basis.
- The following steps seek to strengthen the corporate restructuring framework
(Box 3): (i) a regulatory facilitation group ("one-stop shop")is being established,
comprising senior officials from key ministries, to expedite restructuring filings; (ii) a
regulation removing company law limitations on debt-to-equity conversions has
become effective; (iii) as a follow up to last year's decree providing tax neutrality for
restructurings, the Ministry of Finance has passed a supplementary decree providing
more favorable treatment of cancellation of indebtedness income in restructurings;
(iv) the Registrar of Companies is making information more accessible to the public,
including audited 1998 reports by end-June 1999; (v) during the current parliamentary
session, we will submit legislation for the registration of security interests that will
give certainty concerning the priority rights of lenders, including lenders providing
working capital to restructuring enterprises; (vi) by April 30, 1999, in consultation
with the private sector, we will make recommendations for improvements in
governance through strengthening securities regulation, stock exchange listing
requirements, and the company and accounting laws; and (vii) the tax office intends
to issue guidance to consolidate the legal materials related to tax aspects of
- The government is committed to the creation of a consistently applied bankruptcy
system that provides the appropriate incentives for corporate restructuring. Anti-corruption legislation has been submitted to Parliament establishing, inter alia, an
independent permanent commission, reporting to Parliament, the Supreme Court and
the President, to combat corruption in the public sector, including in the judiciary
through a judicial subcommission. The judicial subcommission will in no way
compromise the principle of the independence of the judiciary, and is modeled after
similar legislation in other countries. We expect the commission to be operational by
early April 1999. In addition, the government has submitted to Parliament separate
legislation to revise and increase the effectiveness of the existing anti-corruption law.
- Among other previously announced initiatives: (i) the President will appoint by
March 25, 1999 well regarded private practitioners and other experts as ad hoc judges
to the Commercial Court; (ii) a transparent court fee system for the Commercial Court
has been established; (iii) the salary structure of the Commercial Court judges will be
reviewed and adjusted by April 30, 1999; and (iv) judges and other Commercial Court
personnel are receiving training in the new law and in bankruptcy procedures.
- As indicated above, all state banks have been instructed to initiate immediate
bankruptcy filings against debtors who fail to cooperate within the context of the
Jakarta Initiative. We expect that IBRA and each of the state banks will have initiated
restructuring or bankruptcy filings against their largest 20 corporate debtors, which
are not performing, by end-April 1999. The Bank Indonesia Task Force to facilitate
the Restructuring of the State Bank Debts, established in December 1998, will assist
in identifying appropriate cases.
People's Economy
- At a special People's Consultative Assembly session in November 1998, a decree was
enacted aimed at broadening ownership and participation in the economy, especially
the development of small- and medium-sized enterprises and cooperatives. Such an
initiative will be designed and implemented in a manner that promotes economic
efficiency and growth, and respects existing property rights. An inter-ministerial task
force will be created with representation from all the relevant ministries to coordinate
government programs and policies. We will also (i) review commercial lending
practices to the sector and its financing needs with the support of the AsDB and the
World Bank; (ii) transform BRI into a specialized bank with a mandate to lend only
on commercial terms, and (iii) simplify directed credit schemes to cooperatives and
small- and medium-size enterprises and ensure that lending rates are positive in real
terms and adjust them periodically to reflect market conditions. In view of the
potential significance of the measures being considered under this initiative, we will
be consulting with a wide range of opinion, including the World Bank, AsDB, and the
- We will create a firm, PT Madani, which will initially provide venture capital funds,
in consultation with the AsDB and the World Bank. The role of PT Madani may later
be expanded to other activities designed to increase economic opportunities,
especially for small and medium enterprises. We are increasing the provision of farm
credit next year to ensure that farmers are able to increase food production while the
government eliminates distortions in the agricultural sector, including fertilizer
subsidies. However, we will reinstate risk sharing with financial intermediaries to
ensure prudent lending practices and tighten eligibility requirements for borrowers
with arrears.
- The competition law prohibiting monopoly practices and unhealthy competition has
been passed by Parliament. It is designed to preserve the public interest and increase
efficiency by prohibiting anti-competitive business practices with regard to the control
of production and the marketing of goods and services. This includes price fixing
cartels and agreements between companies to reduce competition by dividing product
ranges and marketing territories. In doing this, the law focuses on the actual behavior
of businesses, rather than on existing market structures. Particular attention is given to
the governance structure and judicial process to enforce the law. It will be
administered by an independent commission, which will report directly to the
President and have the authority to impose penalties.
Environment and Forestry
- Major reforms are ongoing to protect the environment. First, a new forestry regulation
was signed by the President on January 27, 1999, authorizing the auction of forestry
concessions and the transfer of concessions by sale. This eliminates the requirement
that concessionaires must either own or develop wood processing facilities, lengthens
the concession period, and establishes a framework for forest concession performance
bonds. Implementing regulations for performance bonds are being developed in
consultation with the World Bank. Second, the Ministry of Forestry and Estate Crops
is observing a moratorium on the award of new permits for forest land conversions
while new land allocation procedures and conversion targets are being developed.
Third, the formula for the forest resource rent tax that was introduced in 1998 will be
reviewed and, if necessary, revised in consultation with the World Bank to ensure that
it continues to capture most of the economic rent as international market conditions
change. Fourth, implementing regulations for the Environmental Management Law
have been drafted covering air pollution control, hazardous waste management, and
environmental impact assessment. The environmental protection program is being
further developed in consultation with the World Bank. The reduction of export taxes
on logs and sawn timber to 20 percent at end-December 1998, which was a
performance criterion, was not accomplished. This measure has now been
Trade Finance
- To alleviate difficulties that importers and exporters continue to face in accessing
trade and working capital credit, we will take the following steps with support from
the Japan Export-Import Bank and other institutions such as the World Bank:
(i) review and restructure the Trade and Working Capital Credit Guarantee Facility;
(ii) establish a specialized trade finance institution with full details of the proposal to
be finalized by end-March; (iii) collaborate with nonbank domestic and foreign
intermediaries to facilitate the use of the guarantee facility to channel import and
working capital lines of credit; and (iv) identify domestic banking institutions that, as
a result of the recapitalization exercise, will be sufficiently sound intermediaries to
channel funds for trade finance.
Foreign Exchange Monitoring
- With technical assistance from the IMF, Bank Indonesia is making progress toward
establishing an improved monitoring system for foreign exchange flows. A consultant
from the Statistics Department of the IMF is to provide further technical assistance
over the next three months and the monitoring system is expected to be in place by
June 1999.