International Monetary Fund

Currency units per SDR for June 2024

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This rate, which is not used in Fund transactions, is the reciprocal of the SDR per currency unit rate, rounded to six significant digits.

Currency units per SDR for June 2024
Currency June 03,
June 04,
June 05,
June 06,
June 07,
June 10,
June 11,
June 12,
June 13,
June 14,
June 17,
Chinese yuan 9.589110 9.606890 9.603750 9.607160 9.608920 NA 9.571300 9.576250 9.585250 9.560320 9.559590
Euro 1.220540 1.220370 1.219090 1.220160 1.217280 1.226540 1.229640 1.226370 1.225670 1.233030 1.229910
Japanese yen 207.959000 207.375000 205.768000 206.678000 206.551000 207.059000 207.477000 207.494000 207.252000 207.168000 207.424000
U.K. pound 1.040790 1.039700 1.037780 1.037290 1.037050 1.039080 1.035400 1.034510 1.034600 1.037040 1.039880
U.S. dollar 1.323310 1.325930 1.325400 1.325710 1.326590 1.319270 1.319410 1.320190 1.321760 1.317620 1.317480
Algerian dinar 177.975000 178.002000 177.995000 178.029000 178.127000 177.546000 177.558000 177.801000 177.892000 177.460000 NA
Australian dollar 1.991140 1.988490 1.990690 1.990550 1.988300 NA 1.998500 1.993950 1.990000 1.988550 1.995880
Botswana pula 18.177400 18.064400 18.131300 18.235300 18.222400 18.171700 18.098900 18.060100 17.983100 17.975700 17.949300
Brazilian real 6.929810 6.985140 7.002750 6.983140 7.003880 7.079190 7.061350 7.113840 7.133280 7.065590 7.130730
Brunei dollar 1.787930 1.785490 1.784390 1.784540 1.784930 1.786020 1.785420 1.785950 1.783050 1.781150 NA
Canadian dollar 1.804340 1.814000 1.815270 1.814370 1.822740 1.815970 1.816430 1.808660 1.816890 NA 1.810610
Chilean peso 1,213.170000 1,203.860000 1,199.980000 1,201.420000 1,207.800000 1,209.560000 1,218.130000 1,220.090000 1,209.220000 1,211.530000 1,223.240000
Czech koruna 30.168900 30.216600 30.060000 30.053800 29.926700 30.212500 30.375500 30.285200 30.270900 30.508100 30.375800
Danish krone 9.103990 9.102740 NA 9.101420 9.082490 9.148960 9.171200 9.147370 9.142610 NA 9.175490
Indian rupee 109.922000 110.718000 110.525000 110.650000 110.672000 110.148000 110.178000 110.321000 110.429000 110.081000 NA
Israeli New Shekel 4.844660 4.890020 4.915910 4.936930 4.950840 4.949880 4.912170 NA 4.910340 4.905470 4.916830
Korean won 1,828.290000 1,826.600000 1,819.910000 NA 1,819.430000 1,803.310000 1,818.010000 1,818.430000 1,821.120000 1,806.450000 1,815.090000
Kuwaiti dinar 0.405596 0.405999 0.405838 0.405931 NA 0.404421 0.404465 0.404704 0.404921 NA NA
Malaysian ringgit NA 6.223900 6.228710 6.225530 6.229020 6.222310 6.232240 6.228670 6.222850 6.209910 NA
Mauritian rupee 61.505900 61.539200 61.394500 61.573700 61.216000 61.828000 61.826500 62.007800 61.493400 62.010900 62.088700
Mexican peso 23.335000 23.682000 23.272900 23.244300 24.226500 24.254500 24.337400 24.797400 24.503400 NA 24.406000
New Zealand dollar NA 2.145170 2.142060 2.134970 2.142430 2.160610 2.155720 2.148400 2.141190 2.140200 2.149590
Norwegian krone NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 14.059600 14.126800
Omani rial 0.508813 0.509819 0.509616 0.509736 NA 0.507259 0.507313 0.507614 NA NA NA
Peruvian sol NA NA 4.958330 4.967440 NA 4.967040 4.986040 4.971830 4.983030 NA 4.984030
Philippine peso 77.445500 77.609000 77.775600 77.861600 77.792600 77.228400 77.540400 NA 77.583100 NA NA
Polish zloty 5.227230 5.230510 5.249510 5.240510 5.225320 5.298040 5.336090 5.325920 5.302760 5.370600 5.365840
Qatari riyal 4.816860 4.826370 4.824460 4.825580 NA 4.802130 4.802660 4.805500 4.811210 NA NA
Russian ruble 118.272000 117.686000 117.621000 117.670000 117.749000 117.407000 117.456000 NA 116.590000 NA 117.321000
Saudi Arabian riyal 4.962430 4.972230 4.970250 4.971410 NA 4.947240 4.947780 4.950720 4.956600 NA NA
Singapore dollar 1.787930 1.785490 1.784390 1.784540 1.784930 1.786020 1.785420 1.785950 1.783050 1.781150 NA
South African rand 24.743000 24.840600 24.921300 25.065400 24.999300 24.777600 24.639500 24.491800 24.340700 24.210900 NA
Swedish krona 13.918500 13.882300 13.809300 NA 13.764400 13.900400 13.829500 13.777700 13.753200 NA 13.889700
Swiss franc 1.192440 1.184050 1.182790 1.181470 1.180270 1.182850 1.183510 1.182760 1.184690 1.177030 1.175320
Thai baht NA 48.497100 48.503000 48.373700 48.266700 48.669100 48.501500 48.489300 48.413300 48.427600 48.435800
Trinidadian dollar 8.874300 8.900920 8.896480 8.923470 8.939110 8.907180 8.926900 8.944700 8.937190 NA 8.903930
U.A.E. dirham 4.859870 4.869470 4.867530 4.868670 NA 4.845010 4.845520 4.848390 4.854160 NA NA
Uruguayan peso 51.326000 51.611800 51.782100 51.482400 51.880400 51.692900 51.574300 51.723700 51.917300 NA 51.826900

Currency units per SDR for June 2024 (Continued)
Currency June 18,
June 20,
June 21,
June 24,
June 25,
June 26,
June 27,
June 28,
Chinese yuan 9.560050 9.565810 9.548000 9.563060 9.563800 9.551010 9.558680 9.557670
Euro 1.229610 1.229190 1.230310 1.227300 1.229070 1.229650 1.229440 1.228720
Japanese yen 207.747000 208.216000 209.077000 210.453000 210.033000 209.932000 211.283000 211.705000
U.K. pound 1.038320 1.037950 1.040850 1.039870 1.037890 1.038500 1.039410 1.039260
U.S. dollar 1.317520 1.317570 1.314950 1.316900 1.316820 1.314370 1.315010 1.315340
Algerian dinar NA 177.222000 176.979000 177.005000 176.990000 176.889000 177.013000 177.065000
Australian dollar 1.988420 1.975670 1.972920 1.982980 1.976020 1.965860 1.972710 1.985730
Botswana pula 17.901100 17.781000 17.769600 17.820000 17.819000 17.882600 17.891300 17.993800
Brazilian real 7.123570 7.147550 7.154660 7.110450 7.148120 7.241020 7.261900 7.311060
Brunei dollar 1.782080 1.780170 1.779790 1.784260 1.780340 1.780850 1.784470 1.786890
Canadian dollar 1.808040 1.804810 1.801750 1.799280 1.798650 1.800160 1.800250 NA
Chilean peso 1,236.730000 NA 1,220.170000 1,234.380000 1,240.080000 1,238.550000 1,246.340000 1,250.920000
Czech koruna 30.454600 30.599300 30.692300 30.546800 30.502900 30.619600 30.638500 30.760600
Danish krone 9.172970 9.167420 9.175570 9.154830 9.168090 9.172120 9.169600 9.163220
Indian rupee 109.989000 110.052000 109.912000 109.979000 109.859000 109.804000 109.790000 109.770000
Israeli New Shekel 4.903810 4.900040 4.916610 4.904120 4.905160 4.931530 4.937860 4.944380
Korean won 1,818.710000 1,819.300000 1,819.630000 1,829.300000 1,829.990000 1,822.250000 1,828.000000 1,827.280000
Kuwaiti dinar NA 0.403770 NA 0.403892 0.403540 0.402920 0.403249 NA
Malaysian ringgit NA 6.207090 6.200010 6.205860 6.199590 6.190690 6.205550 6.207790
Mauritian rupee 61.899200 61.616600 62.162400 62.316900 62.373700 62.148900 62.393900 62.559400
Mexican peso 24.259300 24.246900 23.912100 23.655000 23.883400 23.949900 24.166300 NA
New Zealand dollar 2.150710 2.147460 2.147560 2.155490 2.150970 2.149250 2.163020 NA
Norwegian krone 14.076600 13.879400 13.863700 13.928700 13.921000 14.011200 14.013200 14.003200
Omani rial NA NA NA 0.506347 0.506319 0.505377 0.505623 0.505750
Peruvian sol 4.980230 5.009420 4.990240 4.997630 5.013130 5.009070 5.019400 NA
Philippine peso 77.246300 77.289900 77.299500 77.479700 77.443700 77.207600 77.354500 77.431700
Polish zloty 5.342420 NA 5.329100 5.309600 5.263990 5.295740 5.301070 5.303460
Qatari riyal NA 4.795960 NA 4.793500 4.793240 4.784320 4.786640 NA
Russian ruble 114.671000 112.544000 115.663000 115.061000 114.928000 115.410000 111.729000 112.788000
Saudi Arabian riyal NA 4.940880 NA 4.938370 4.938080 4.928900 4.931280 NA
Singapore dollar 1.782080 1.780170 1.779790 1.784260 1.780340 1.780850 1.784470 1.786890
South African rand 23.964100 23.848800 23.613100 23.805000 23.889300 24.017200 24.086500 23.957400
Swedish krona 13.839200 13.764500 NA 13.813900 13.796900 13.899700 13.939400 13.957600
Swiss franc 1.170090 1.172240 1.173330 1.176250 1.176450 1.180170 1.179570 1.182230
Thai baht 48.483400 48.368100 48.267900 48.364300 48.207600 48.349100 48.558100 48.467900
Trinidadian dollar 8.887470 8.908130 8.890630 8.908450 8.907890 8.896480 8.885410 NA
U.A.E. dirham NA 4.838770 NA 4.836290 4.836030 4.827020 4.829380 NA
Uruguayan peso 51.867000 52.001800 52.139300 51.764700 51.731500 51.998000 51.843000 NA
The value of the U.S. dollar in terms of the SDR is the reciprocal of the sum of the dollar values, based on market exchange rates, of specified quantities of the SDR basket currencies. See SDR Valuation.
These rates are the official rates used by the Fund to conduct operations with member countries. The rates are derived from the currency's representative exchange rate, as reported by the central bank, normally against the U.S. dollar at spot market rates and rounded to six significant digits. See Representative Exchange Rates for Selected Currencies.
The value in terms of each national currency of the SDR (shown above) is the reciprocal of the value in terms of the SDR of each national currency, rounded to six significant digits.
Exchange rates are published daily except on IMF holidays, or whenever the IMF is closed for business, or on an ad-hoc basis to facilitate unscheduled IMF operations.
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