Cover photo of the December 2012 issue of the Finance & Development magazine.
The IMF and Civil Society
Latest Issue of Finance & Development Focuses on Philanthropy and Social Entreneurship
December 11, 2012
The December 2012 issue of the IMF’s Finance & Development magazine focuses on how philanthropists are helping to transform the developing world.
The magazine features articles on noted philanthropists who are doing much to effect social change by helping to inject investment and opportunity and contributing to reduce poverty particularly in developing countries. In a Point of View article on “The Power of Cooperation,” former U.S. President Bill Clinton talks about how networks of creative collaboration can transform lives. In fighting poverty in “Every Which Way We Can,” Dean Karlan explains how philanthropy and private investment have become increasingly important.
Gregory Dees in “Learning Laboratory,” looks at how social entrepreneurship can offer innovative development solutions, while the IMF’s Prakash Loungani profiles Economist Jeffrey Sachs, who helped campaign for debt relief for developing countries and championed the Millennium Development Goals.
In the magazine’s Straight Talk article on “Rethinking Sustainable Development,” IMF Deputy Managing Director Nemat Shafik emphasizes that a new development agenda needs to be truly global, relevant to all, and realistic in assigning responsibilities.
The December F&D also features the three winning essays from the recent student essay contest for Japanese university students, organized by the IMF, the Japanese Ministry of Finance, and the Bank of Japan about the global economy. The three winners were invited to the IMF-World Bank Annual Meetings in Tokyo, where they also participated in an Asian Youth Dialogue with Nemat Shafik.