Susan Swart

Chief Information Officer
Director of the Information Technology Department

Biographical Information

Susan Swart joined the International Monetary Fund in 2012 as the Chief Information Officer (CIO). In November 2015 she was named to head the newly created Information Technology Department (ITD) at the IMF. As CIO she is responsible for the provision of information technology services and leadership in the application of technology to the mission of the IMF.

Prior to joining the IMF, Ms. Swart served as the CIO of the U.S. Department of State, where she was a senior member of the Foreign Service, from 2008–2012. As CIO at the Department of State, she led the delivery of IT services to 280 Embassies, Consulates, and offices in 185 countries. In this role, she also served as Senior Advisor to the Secretary of State and the Undersecretary of State for Management on IT. She has 26 years of experience in the information management and technology field encompassing responsibility for knowledge management, IT customer service, IT infrastructure, corporate systems support, and applied information management training. Her career also included stints managing budget, human resources, and general services, as well as assignments in Egypt, Venezuela, and Peru.

Prior to acting as CIO at the U.S. Department of State, Ms. Swart served as the Deputy Chief Information Officer for Business, Planning and Customer Service and the Chief Knowledge Officer (2006–2008). When she joined the Foreign Service in 1989 until 2006, she served in a number of positions in Washington and overseas, including the Dean of the School of Applied Information Technology at the Foreign Service Institute; Information Management Officer in Cairo, Egypt; Special Assistant in the Bureau of Administration; Office Director for Customer Service, Bureau of Information Resource Management; and Deputy Executive Director in the Bureau of East Asia and Pacific Affairs.

Ms. Swart holds a graduate degree in National Security Strategy from the National War College and an undergraduate degree in Management Information Systems from Virginia Commonwealth University.