IMF Videos

Annual and spring meetings

Seminar: Challenges of Job-Rich and Inclusive Growth - Concluding Session: Growth and Reform Challenges

  • October 8, 2014


  • 1:19:11

Drawing on the first three sessions, this concluding session will bring together policy makers to discuss the important dilemmas and tradeoffs that countries grapple with as they seek to implement reforms to deliver job-rich and inclusive growth.

  • Moderator: SEBASTIAN MALLABY, Senior Fellow Council on Foreign Relations
  • MUHAMMAD CHATIB BASRI, Minister of Finance Indonesia
  • JOE HOCKEY, Treasurer Australia
  • NHLANHLA NENE, Finance Minister of South Africa
  • NGOZI OKONJO-IWEALA, Minister of Finance Nigeria
  • SANDRA POLASKI, Deputy Director General International Labour Organization
  • MIN ZHU, Deputy Managing Director IMF