Executive Summary and Issues for Discussion |
I. |
Introduction |
II. |
The Foreign Exchange Market |
Disorderly exits |
III. |
Official Intervention in the Foreign Exchange
Market |
Misalignments |
Disorderly markets |
Intervention principles/constraints |
Rules-based intervention |
Disorderly exits |
IV. |
Monetary Policy Framework and Nominal
Anchor |
V. |
Prudential Regulation and Management of
Exchange Rate Risk |
Derivatives |
Disorderly exits |
VI. |
Pace and Sequencing of Exit to Exchange
Rate Flexibility |
Gradualism: options |
Pace: key considerations |
Sequencing capital account liberalization
and exchange rate flexibility |
In conclusion |
Figures |
1. |
Number and Type of Exits, 1990-2002 |
2. |
Exits by Exchange Rate Regime, 1990-2002 |
3. |
Preparing for an Orderly Exit from a Peg |
Boxes |
1. |
Orderly versus Disorderly Exits to Flexible
Exchange Rate Regimes |
2. |
Disorderly Exits and Foreign Exchange
Market Development: Country Examples |
3. |
Experiences with Crawling Bands |
4. |
Sequencing the Reforms: Country Examples |
Appendices |
I. |
Market Microstructure and other Foreign
Exchange Market Issues |
II. |
Country Experiences with Reversals Towards
Less Flexible Exchange Rate Regimes |
III. |
Issues Relating to Floating in Developing
Countries |
References |