Suriname Implements the IMF's Enhanced General Data Dissemination System
January 23, 2018
Publication of essential macroeconomic data through the new NSDP will provide national policy makers and domestic and international stakeholders, including investors and rating agencies, with easy access to information that the IMF’s Executive Board has identified as essential for monitoring economic conditions and policies. Making this information easily accessible in both human and machine-readable formats, and in accordance with an Advance Release Calendar, allows simultaneous access by all users to timely data, bringing greater data transparency. It also marks a major milestone in Suriname’s roadmap towards subscription to the IMF’s Special Data Dissemination Standard.
The e-GDDS was established by the IMF’s Executive Board in May 2015 to support improved data transparency, encourage statistical development, and help create synergies between data dissemination and surveillance. The e-GDDS supersedes the GDDS, which was established in 1997. A link to the country’s NSDP is available on the IMF’s Dissemination Standards Bulletin Board (DSBB): at
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