

James Brumby

James Brumby is Director Public Sector & Institutions, Governance Global Practice.  Jim Brumby began his post as Director on March 1, 2015. He previously served as the  Practice Manager for the EAP región based in Jakarta, Indonesia and as the Sector Manager and Lead Economist for the Indonesia country program. Throughout his professional life he has been engaged in public management reform at the state, national, and international levels, joining the Bank in 2007 where he had a leading role in public financial management reform in the Poverty Reduction and Economic Management group. In 2009 he was appointed Sector Manager, Public Sector & Governance, with line responsibility for the Vice Presidency’s staff working on a number of critical  areas in governance including anticorruption, legal and judicial reform, public financial management, and civil service reform. His experience also spans a number of managerial positions in IMF, OECD, and Victoria State Government in Australia.