

Gustavo Adler

Gustavo Adler is a Division Chief in the Western Hemisphere Department of the IMF. He joined the Fund in 2004 and, since then, worked in multiple areas, including surveillance and program in various country teams (Chile, Indonesia, Romania, Uruguay, Turkey), development of IMF credit facilities, review of IMF programs, and analytical work for Western Hemisphere’s Regional Economic Outlook. In recent years, he co-led the production of the External Sector Report on global imbalances—conducting research and policy analysis on foreign exchange intervention, exchange rates, and terms-of-trade shocks. He was also Mission Chief for Uruguay. Since June 2022, he leads the Regional Studies Division of the Western Hemisphere Department.

Adler taught at Universidad Nacional de Tucumán, in Argentina. He holds a Ph.D. in economics from University of California—Los Angeles (UCLA) and bachelor’s degree from Universidad Nacional de Tucumán.

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